Basketball, football, poetry, doing hair and business
My BoYfRiEnD
LeTs BegIn. . . .
WhAts THis GuYS NAmE?: tony Butler jr
HoW OlD IS He?: just turn 20
WhEn IS HiS BdAy?: july 2
HorOsCoPe SigN?:
How TaLL iS He?: about 5'9
Is ThaT TalLEr ThAN U?: yeah
OkaY Now hIs aPPeAraNcE
HaIr CoLor?: black
EyeS?: brown
GlaSSEs/COntAcTS?: no
SkIn. DarK Or LIGhT?: dark
SkInnY, AveragE, MuscuLAr, BiG?: muscular
AbS?: yes
DreSs sTyLe?: he looks good in anything
PeIrCiNGs?: yes
If So How MAnY?: one
TaTTs?: yes
If SO How MAny?: one
OKaY NExT sEt. . .
WheRe dId U meeT HIm?: in waukegan
HoW loNg aGo?: 10 years
Are U In Love?: oh yes
Wut BouT HIM?: can't get enough
WuT iS oNE thIng ThaT IS on hiS bODy ThaT mAkes Him DiffereNT and U lOve?: i love everything
HaVE U n HiM . . . MaDe LOve?: that is all we do
FuNNy?: very
Nice?: very
RoMAntIc?: all the time
OutGoiNG?: maybe
StaY at HoMe Guy?: yes and i like that
LaSt BuT DefF. Not LEaSt
Do U KNow If he IS the One?: yes
Do U taLK AbOUT tHE fUTuRe?: all the time
WoUlD U do AnyTHinG foR HIm?: whatever he ask
If HE waS fAr WoUlD U waIt?: he would never be to far from me
WouLD He?: we are always close
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All the fridays, Sister act 2, B.A.P.S., Ray etc.
Maury, Girlfiends, Deal or no deal, family fued etc.
mom and Rosa parks