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Write in Hebrew with ChaiSpace.comScripture, Obeying Yahweh's laws, historical research, drawing, painting... anything involving art, learning web design, Loving animals, like my 2 guinea pigs:Reading & learning about the body & finding natural remedies & being healthy. Having endless love for my eternal husband.
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I like to paint in my spare time. I have a store where you can view & potentially buy my work! Here is a link: for checking it out.
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adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Varies depending on lyrics. I am kind of picky about music. I like heavier rock/metal/techno type stuff, but if the band &/or lyrics are about 'satan' then I am not interested. That scene can tend to lean to that type of message so it can be hard to find music I like that has decent lyrics & a decent message.
The best movie that will ever be isIt has so much in it that relates with today. It is not just some love story, it is a man's struggle of just wanting to live a decent life when he can't due to the greed & oppression of tyrannical leaders of worldy goverments that are forced onto the people through violence & other means. It is hard for me to respect someone, who does not like Braveheart.
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Add to My Profile | More VideosJericho. History channel, along with historical documentaries about leaders from the past & today. Discovery Channel, National Geogrraphic & Animal Planet. Funny stuff that has clean humor.
The Scriptures. George Orwell's Animal Farm & 1984. Brave New World, Jim Marrs books, Natural Cures 'They' Dont Want You to Know About, any other books on natural remedies.
I admire Yahshua, my husband & anyone else who has taken a stand as one of Yahweh's followers.