This is difficult because everbody i have wanted to meet and have met have been a let down!Saying that i would love to meet the cast of Buffy/Angel as its one of my all time fave shows. Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) rules and seems to be a dude he'd be brill to drink tea with. Shame the shows had to end!Britney Spears is ace too i would love to meet her, everybody picks wrong partners in their lives and they say love is blind but she's just trying to do whats right for her. People just need to give her a break for a while no wonder she snapped and has gone a little 'Crazy' (no punn intended) and shaved her head. she just needs a knight is shining armour to swoop in scoop her up and protect her.... i love ya britneymaybe she should come and stay at my house nobody would ever look for Britney at Sarah's house.... would they????