freaks into submiting for our new issue, meeting and networking with like minded deviates and revoltionary's!!............................................ .....Issue 14 .... WEIRD SCIENCEThis is an issue we have been wanting to have since the first Slit! ...............................FutureScience. Enter the futureworlds of cyborg human relations, machine sex......................................................... ..................................The weird science of pathological desire - when ‘female hysteria’ was treated with doctor delivered orgasms and automated vibrators were part of the tech possibilities and gene splicing. gender queer mutations. pushing the edges of medicalised gender transition routines.................................................... ............................................................ ......................Get out your geek love and perverted fantasies about storm troopers, labcoats, nerds, cylons, alien abductions, test tubes and chemical set experimentation... About being placed under the microscope, under the stethoscope, looking out the telescope. To inspire you - the Aotearoan hotty on this page is getting rude over plant porn - finely penned botannical drawings come to life........................................................ ........................Send in your strange sex toy inventions, terrific scientific interviews, photography and twisted fiction. Deadline July 2008, but get in touch before hand. Post to PO Box 693 Broadway NSW 2007, or email [email protected]