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About Me

Im a dyke queer trans sex porn politics and culture magazine we come out twice a year and we are a non profit crew exploring all the brilliant stuff going on in the queer anaracha world ! .... all moneyies goes back into the printing costs and distro of our wee mag, and all our amazing contributers do it for the love of it, creating and building a home for all us queer freaks to feel community................................................soo o if your still with us ............................................................ ...................Our new issue is out FAIRYTALES ...we had a huge party at Mori gallery with an exhibiton to launch this issue co-ordinated by Lady P..and a pile of fantastic out for details of launches in other places or get onto us if you want to organise a party in your beautiful issue so we hope you are enjoying it...check our website out to see outlets..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

freaks into submiting for our new issue, meeting and networking with like minded deviates and revoltionary's!!............................................ .....Issue 14 .... WEIRD SCIENCEThis is an issue we have been wanting to have since the first Slit! ...............................FutureScience. Enter the futureworlds of cyborg human relations, machine sex......................................................... ..................................The weird science of pathological desire - when ‘female hysteria’ was treated with doctor delivered orgasms and automated vibrators were part of the tech possibilities and gene splicing. gender queer mutations. pushing the edges of medicalised gender transition routines.................................................... ............................................................ ......................Get out your geek love and perverted fantasies about storm troopers, labcoats, nerds, cylons, alien abductions, test tubes and chemical set experimentation... About being placed under the microscope, under the stethoscope, looking out the telescope. To inspire you - the Aotearoan hotty on this page is getting rude over plant porn - finely penned botannical drawings come to life........................................................ ........................Send in your strange sex toy inventions, terrific scientific interviews, photography and twisted fiction. Deadline July 2008, but get in touch before hand. Post to PO Box 693 Broadway NSW 2007, or email [email protected]

My Blog


cockatoos and rosellas have come to live in redfern.due to the lack of water happening in thier native habitat i guess they are kinda starving but s'pose its good for us huge flocks of them ...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 16:23:00 GMT

sex workers quota and IWD in syd'ers

Hi allwe went to a rocking demo on tue 6 march organised by the whores with attitude at scarlet alliance ( - that is australian peak sex worker advocacy organisation). marric...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 22:50:00 GMT

Slit Magazine's New Blog

This is the first entry for Slit's new (and first) blog.Watch this space. We will be posting details about how to submit, the themes of issues, parties and launches, and more...xx domino + meredith (S...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 17:31:00 GMT