I do what I do. What is it I do? Live. I live. I live the way I want to, though I will never be who I want to be. Why is that? Well, because I am always striving to be better, though I will never be as good as I want to be. A dichotomy, I live within myself that exists as the infinite universe we all live in. A dichotomy of normalcy versus the road of the unknown. I choose the road untraveled. Unfortunately for me, that road is completely covered with anthropomorphic spikes that plague my dreams with faces of fat America and the media whores that make up who we are as a society. It is this road that I avoid. I try. I turn away and can't help but to be cut by the thorns that exist as our society today. What am I trying to say? What is it that anyone, ever, is trying to say? We are all full of the most complete ideas, only we as individuals are capable of knowing. We all exist in our own worlds, our own universes. I give you my universe to pick apart and take in as you will. My universe exists as the music i write. My universe exists as the thoughts I think. I will die one day, as will you. What are you doing about today? What are you doing about the beauty you have to change the world you live in? All you have is YOU. I'm not preaching, I'm just sayin'. You are beautiful. What are you doing to make a difference?into you