R.I.P. Chris profile picture

R.I.P. Chris

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

He loved yellowcard. thought is was appropriate. pay no attention to the video just the music. Halo YellowCard :View From Heaven
I love party's, shooten pool, surfboarding, and hangen out.Myspace Backgrounds
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Online Status Icons
name? Ghost Rider
nicknames? rider
right handed or left handed? right
heritage? Italian, German, French, and Cajun
shoes you wore today? random kicks
weakness? conscience
fears? none
perfect pizza? cheese or pepperoni
thoughts when you first wake up? FUCK it's morning
your bedtime? don't have one
most missed memory? lots
coke or pepsi? coke
chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
enjoy sushi? sometimes
most embarrassing moment? don't know
future kid's names? don't know
dinner? don't know
vegetable? carrot
fruit? tangerine
candy? snickers
beverage? Dr. Pepper
movie? lots
band? lots
place to visit? Hawaii
favorite number? 18
what is your bedroom like? a black hole where I can find nothing
what is the worst song you ever heard? lots
vegetarain? no
ever been beaten up? no
piercings? no
ever gone skinny dipping? OOOOOOO ya
climbed a tree? ya
fallen out of a tree? ya
met a celebrity? no
kissed someone? ya
been to disney? ya
gone surfing? ya
gone snowboarding? ya
like sports? ya
been stung by a bee? ya
believe in God? ya
picnics? sometimes
ever broken a bone? no
if you were stuck on an island, which person would you chose to be with and why? not sure
if your house was on fire and you could only grab 2 things, what would they be? I am fire
gotten drunk? ya
been high? no
taken drugs? no
goal to achieve by the end of this year? get to be a senior
if you got a free ticket to a hanson concert, would you go? no
like counrty music? sometimes
played truth or dare? ya
run away from home? no
had someone other than a family member say they love you? no
can you do any impressions? ya
like oldies? no
like harry potter? no
favorite animal? gorilla
favorite brand of shoes? nike
perfume/colonge? colonge
cappicino or coffee? none
macdonalds or burgerking? none
want to go to college? ya
want to get married? ya
want to have kids? ya
how do you want to die? don't think about it
get motion sickness? no
wear contacts or glasses? no
ever dyed your hair? ya
skipped class? no
like history? no
secret crush? no secrets
best friend? Dave
ever passed out? no
been to a concert? ya
been on stage? no
play an instrument? no
been in a band? no
met someone who changed your life? ya
fallen asleep in a movie theatre? no
gone camping? ya
been stung by a bee? ya
been to the zoo? ya
enjoy shopping? not really
good actor/actress? not really
good student? sorta
gotten a tatoo? no
anyone you hate? ya
like oreos? ya

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

hot women, kristen kreuk, Sean Connery, Anthony Hopkins, and Jack Nicholson.O AND HERE ARE SOME SIGNS TO LIVE BY.

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