Anne profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm an artsy, genuine mademoiselle who just enjoys meeting exceptional, titillating, and curious minded people who are interested in art, music, spirituality, or philosophizing about life, death, the nature of the universe, or anything existential. I am raw vegan, but I am non-judgmental toward meat eaters....aside from the fact that you're all a bunch of black hearted murderers, of course! :) I enjoy meeting people who gravitate AWAY from small talk and TOWARD conversations with substance. Philosophizing is good. One thing I can promise: you'll never meet anyone quite like me, and you will never be bored by the only thing that excites you is indepth conversations about accounting, mortgage rates, or the goddamn freakin' weather.

My Interests

Writing and illustrating children's books, art, nature, natural healing and living, anything spiritual, reading, music, hiking, camping, anything outdoors.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people. People who are real. Not afraid to be who they are. People with curious minds. People who love to learn, laugh, contemplate and philosophize. People who know how to laugh at life when necessary, and know how to cease the day.


Hotchip, Deathcab for Cutie, The Postal Service, She Wants Revenge, Air, Bjork, JEM, The Shins, Magnetic Feilds, .. for more videos


Lord of the Rings, Braveheart, Gladiator, Walk the Line, The Incredibles, Amadeus, Immortal Beloved, The Neverending Story, The Princess Bride, Great Expectations (1998), Les Miserables (1998), The Edge, The Secret (


24, Lost, Medium, Grey's Anatomy, Sex in the City...I'd like to kick these vicious habits one day, but for now...I indulge.


Harry Potter series, Watership Down, The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint, Where the Wild Things Are, The Eleventh Hour.


Chris Marcy, who continually finds my keys and purse whenever they are missing.

My Blog

Soul searching...

Lately I've been really trying to figure out what kind of work will make me WANT to get out of bed in the a.m.!!..@..@!!! I already know that the children's book illustration will. But what else...?...
Posted by Anne on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 12:15:00 PST