PRETTYCAHIJA love to read, love to travel, collecting pictures , and meet new people. Without memories you have no stories and without FRIENDS you have no stories to share.PRETTYCAHIJA is interested to those intellegent/important people from all over.Without memories you have nothing!
mArViN 'd mArTiAn, SyLvEsTeR -and- bUgSbUnNy...nyahaha!!
***Sleeps With Butterflies***
***Without You***
***There's Your Trouble***
***Nice & Slow***
PRETTYCAHIJA watch just about anything. Even if it is the worst movie in the history of the world I will have to watch until the credits just to say I've seen it!! I love comedies, action, suspense, horror, sci-fi, romance...ANYTHING!!
foR mE G0D iS mY heRo foR sAviNg uS fr0m oUr SiNs, mY family foR bEiNg aLwAyS thErE foR mE, mY friends foR helping mE oUt oF diSc0uRaGeMeNt aNd LeAd mE to rEaLitY…tNx!!
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