Listening to music, hiking, reading, and kayaking, or sailing, hanging out and camping in the woods, and watching and playing with animals.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...... Also, to meet again those who have left this world prematurally...My mother, my grandmothers, and especially my brother, who I have missed terribly (after I get to heaven, of course), Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy, Also maybe a few celebretires who have made a difference in our world: Nelson Mandela, Al Gore,John and Elizabeth Edwards, Nelson Mandella, and funny people like Lily Tomlin, Carol Burnett, Steve Martin, Robin Williams, Jim Carey. Plus many more musicians, including some in northeast Tennessee, and North Carolina, and Virginia to pick with.
Old Rock N Roll, Newgrass, Oldgrass, folky, oldtime music, Funkygrass, Agressivegrass, catgrass, folkgrass, celtic, blues, old swing and 1930's and 40's big band music,...
Most Science fiction like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek Movies, Harry Potter, but also Ray, Forest Gump, Jeremiah Johnson, Truman Show...More later...
Discovery Channel, National Geo. Channel, History Channel, Boston Legal, Dirty Jobs, House, Star Trek movies and series, Series of the Star Wars Movies, Series of The Lord of the Rings, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert. I try not to watch much TV. I do not like reality shows.
Lewis and Clarke, Prodigal Summer, some John Grishom, Sci Fi, any of the armchair adventures, sailing adventures, The Secret...
Jesus:Peace maker. Nelson Mandela, The Dali lama, John Lennon...he said Imagine all the people, living life in peace. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, and Harriet Tubman for standing up for their rights and giving the black minority a fighting chance for equality and freedom. Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt. John Muir, starting the Sierra CLub. Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore for bringing climate change awareness so we can begin to save the planet. Ghandi..for peace. Orvil and Wilbur Wright. And last but certainly not least...God, for making such a beautiful planet for us to save! Just to name a few.