AlEjAndrO-mElEnDEz =) profile picture

AlEjAndrO-mElEnDEz =)

dAncE tO this bEAt... =)

About Me


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My Interests

*tOcar guitarra *escuchAAr musicA *estar en lA cOOmpu *salir... *ver peliculAs.. *El pAAnic!-eOO! *El All-AmEricAn-eOO! jAjA *cAntAr *estAr nemi cAssA *ir A lA escuelA a cAgAr palOO *tOmAr fOtOOs.. *hAcer videOOOs *bAjAr musicA *myspAce... =)

I'd like to meet:

pAnic! At thE discO... =)mAriA shArApOvA... =)mischA bArtOn... =)Andy rOddiCk... =)AshlEy tisdAle... =)


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*AeOn flux *AlOne inthe dArk *buG *crAnk *dOdgebAll *little mAn *sin city *stick it *the dEscEnt *thE grudgE 2 *thE rEturn *the cOvenAnt *gOne in 60 sEc.. *the fAst & the furiOus: tOkyO drift *stAy Alive *the tExAS chAinsAw mAssAcre *estAnentre nOsOtrOos.. *thE gUArdiAn *thE emplOyEE Othe mOnth *the illusiOnist *schOOl for scrOundles *El rEsplAndOOr *8films tO diEfOr... *the premOnitioOn.. *the blAck dAhliA


*supernAturAl =)*theOC =)*smAllvillE =)*OnE trEE hill =)*prisOn brEAk *cOldcAsE *24 *scrubs *SNL *hErOEs *lOst *thE E-rinG *stAcked *rEscUE mE *OthErs..


*hmm.. i dOOn't rEAd alOt.. haha.. mAybe.. the Only 2 or 3 bOOks.. i've kindA read.. haha.. hArry... n.n


*kAAren mEdinA =)*pAnic! At thediscOO =) *my dAd =) *gAlvAn =)