Theatre—Cinematography—Photography—Languages—Dancing --Playing the piano—Philosophy—Colombia--Learning about other cultures—Talking to strangers--Deep conversations that get me thinking—Talking to people that impact my life—Laughing at myself--Homeless people that know better than intellectuals—Acting and being able to catch people’s attention through emotion—Nights at the theatre—Calling friends that I haven’t seen in years—Reading books that change the way I see life—Asian history— Running at 5.00 a.m—Helping the least fortunate—Observing people without them noticing— Black coffee—Sleeping in someone else’s bed—Playing soccer and v-ball— Risks—Making people laugh—Being single—Looking at the stars—Soft kisses—Vallenato—Taking pictures—Rainy nights—Sunset orange clouds—Caramel ice cream—Massages—Almohabanas—Living one day at a time—Aguardiente—Big cities—Radical changes—Walking barefoot—Black and white pictures and movies—Hugs—Wheat bread—Oatmeal—
Artists, musicians, composers, actors, etc. Anyone who LOVES art!
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