art, astrology, beauty, bloomers, bocci, budapest, cats, cello, celtic languages, chocolate, coffee, corsetry, darkness, drawing, dreams, drums, dvds, faeries,fantasy, feminism, feminist theory, friendship, gaelic, gender studies, goblins, harry potter, hildegard von bingen, horses, improv, jewelry, joss whedon, june jordan, kansas city renaissance festival, kissing, languages, laughing, law, limey birds, literature, magic, makeup, men, mermaids, mythology, paganism, persephone, peter pan, pirates, poetry, politics, queer theory, reading, reiki, religions, renaissance festivals, role playing, sai, scottish gaelic, scuba diving, sewing, sex, sexuality, singing, snark, spirituality, story-telling, swords, tarot, traveling, tricksters, vodka, wenches, wenching, wine, winter, witchcraft, witches, women
The Abyss, Clue, Harry Potter, Muppet Treasure Island, Peter Pan, The Princess Bride, The Serpent's Kiss, Stage Beauty
Angel, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Gargoyles, House, X-Files
Ursula Le Guin, Buffy, Starbuck, Joss Whedon, Donna Harraway, Gloria Anzaldua, Ter