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Born under the name Michel Stooker,
Singer/Songwriter and World-Percussionist,former frontman of the fabulous worldbeat group The Foolmoonband
and now member of the mystic oriental Sons of Shams.
Always performing together with dancers,vj's,dj's and other artists at venues and festivals
like Paradiso,Melkweg,Lowlands,Mundial,
Dunya,Mystic Festival etc.
His indie pop-rock songs are catchy,sensitive and warm.
and SONS OF SHAMS (scroll down to 'friend space')
For more info contact me at
[email protected]
Your heart is not meant for cold storage. It is not meant for storage at all. Your heart is a pump that pumps out. It is the pumping station of love. It is not meant to be a pumping station of anything else. You are not meant to turn your heart into a scavenger of hurts. The pure flow of love cleanses your heart of all the past. The past is sludge to an eager beating heart. Your hold on the past — even recent past — interferes with the heart's purpose.The heart is not meant to push things away. It is meant to love. Do not crimp the style of your heart. Let your heart be what it is, a vehicle for love. It runs on love. It can never run out of love. Only the love within it can be squashed and crammed by antibodies you inject there.Your heart is not meant to be sour grapes. Your heart is meant to be sweet. Let your heart pour the sweet cream of love and bless all within its range. It so happens that the whole universe is within its range. There is nothing that is out of the range of your heart, yes, that heart that beats within you. It beats right now.