Sattelite profile picture


About Me

Sattelite es un proyecto musical íntimo, personal que nació con el único propósito de investigar en las raices de la música popular y buscar la emoción en melodías, en acordes, en textos... Desde lo alto del firmamento Sattelite se acerca -con equidistante admiración y con profundo respeto- al susurro de la bossa , a la calidez del soul, al lado funky del pop y al pop más funk; a Jobim, a Caetano, a Ray Davies, a Stevie WonderSattelite is a personal and private musical project, which was born with the only purpose of researching in the roots of folk music and finding the emotion in melodies, chords and lyrics. From beyond the firmament, Sattelite is getting close -with equidistant admiration and deep respect- to the whispering bossa, the warmth of the soul, the funkiest pop and the popest funky , Jobim, Caetano, Ray Davies, Stevie Wonder...

My Interests


Member Since: 26/10/2006
Band Members: Manuelinho Parker - Guitarras, bajo y voces; Sarita Brown - Voces y percusiones; (con invitados especiales)Manuelinho Parker -acoustic guitar, bass vocals; Sarita Brown -Vocals, shaker, tambourine; (Featuring special guest artists)
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Major

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