Trying to figure that one out. I like alot of things, just not sure what my interests really are.
The Real Me... Jeff as a little boy Sam as a grown woman and Our Grandchildren !!
Pretty much any music that makes me feel something/anything..
Any movie that can make me LAUGH and CRY at the same time. Along with every comic book movie ever made !!!
Dexter, CSI Miami, Weeds, Californication and Heroes!!! I also watch Headline News about 3 hours a day.
The Pig Man is my favorite book.I read alot of random news. I am very interested in what is going on in this world. Anyone have a book they recommend?
Jeff and Sam, Everything I am and everything I want to be is because of them... Jeff is the strongest and bravest man I have ever met. He has stood his ground when most Men would have ran. And as for Sam, I could go on and on explaining why she is my Savior. Without them I am nothing.