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About Me

I'm Daniel Fitzy. Some people just call me Fitzy. I am currently living in two places. Colchester in Essex, where I am studying a foundation degree in popular music, and off term time I live near Newport in South Wales.
I am a guitarist.

That is my guitar. I play in a Funk Jazz band at the moment. Music is my main interest.
Fitzy Likes:-
Computer games, 1970's Prog Rock, Jazz Fusion, Peach Squash, Twiglets, Tzatziki dip, Funny podcasts,
Fitzy Dislikes:- Fancy Dress and "Personalised number plates"
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A doppelganger.

My Blog

In the past few days...

It's been a good few days really. I have passed my driving test. 5 minor faults. I got really wasted and went to see The Fellowship ft. Guthrie Govan and saw him play chords with his thumb. I put ...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 06:05:00 GMT

Dream Theater - Score is a waste of time.

Now I'm ever the dream theater fan i always was, and after downloading the score cd off the internet this is what i think of the whole idea of it. im not complaining about the quality of the product o...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 09:56:00 GMT

I won a tenner on the lottery!

So I went down to get mummy some chocolates from the spar, and got a card for her for mother's day, and Jamie his 18th birthday card from the newsagents. I proceeded to pay for the cards at the till, ...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 11:24:00 GMT