About Me
I was born in Tutuila, from the blessed village of Pago Pago (AETO). I'm from the (Asuega Family). I grew up in the LMS church where Rev.Masalosalo Sopo'aga and sister Simoe labour. We came here to the U.S. as a little boy. We stayed in Oceanside, California and there is where I grew up. I started gang-banging "BLOODS" with the "KROOKS" at a young age, and had my first drive-by shooting at the age of 13. I've been shot at many times also, but never been hit and I never knew why? I sold drugs given to me to sell by the O.Gees from Krook City and I was a heavy drinker at the age of 14, I thought at the time that, all I needed was "The Homies". I did not care what everyone else thought of me, I was just too stubborn and hard-headed, even my mom could'nt stop me. When we moved to L.A. I started going to a Mormon church and believed all that the Mormons were teaching, until I went back home in 2003. It was then where God opened my eyes to what the Mormon teachings was really about...A FALSE DOCTRINE. The Elders that came to my house in Samoa told me NOT to read the Holy Bible anymore, but read only the Mormon book. I asked God to guard my heart, lest I fall into the snares of the enemy. And God put it in my heart, to end all teachings of the Mormon and accept it no more. God's Spirit spoke to my heart saying, "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine(of God,Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit), receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed." -(2 John 1:10) and then the Spirit of God continued saying to me, "They profess that they know God, but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." -(Titus 1:16)
2-weeks later I met this Samoan Queen whom later became my wife. She is a member of the Assambly Of God Church, and thru all her prayers and fastings, God answered her and I got converted, baptised, and became an instrument of God's work. I gave up the ways of the world, and accept the ways of Jesus Christ, I gave up my stubborness, and humbly accepted the "Peace" of God to take whole of me. This all happened in December 2003; the day I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Me & my wife struggled as we started our new lives together, but God's Spirit was always there to remind us that, "With men, it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible." -(Matthew 19:26) "They who wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;they shall run, and not be weary;and they shall walk, and not faint."-(Isaiah 40:31) This is my testimony unto you all my brothers and sisters-in-Christ, and my faith in God,Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They bear witness to my testimony.