Ali G profile picture

Ali G

About Me

Me woz born in da heart off da Staines ghetto. I has lived wiv me Nan in Staines at 37 Cherry Blossom Close from da day me woz born, coz wiv both me parents havin been smoked, dere werent no one else around to look afta her. Me has been carin for her ever since. Me woz failed by da skool system and hated every minute me spent in da classroom. In fact added together, dat time woz probly da most borin 3 hours of me life - altho me do still go to a skool re-union every second Monday at Staines Job Centre... As well as bein unemployed - i iz also got a lot off well important careers. As head of Da West Staines Massive, me control da most peace lovin and violent gang in da hole of Barkshire. Afta happearin on some crap programme dat woz on at 11 a clock or somefin, it werent long before me ad me own show. Dis meant me was able to take a in depf look at a lot off serious issues.... I iz now easily da most respekted face on Brittish telly and it iz probably only a matter off time before me get offered me own slot on Channel 5 - or hopefully even cable...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i ave already met mes julie and buzz lightyear but i would dig to meet the main bitch, da Jackie Chan, fit bitches who dig to get jiggy wiv mr. biggy, trisexual feminists, non racialist constalubury, or any udda wicked people who dig to be boys

My Blog

Is it coz I is black?

so i went down to da local kids scool down da street da ollywood otel ready to get my vote on, an i was waitin my turn to step into da little black box and i was told dat i co...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 07:41:00 GMT

mes views on omosapianism

so i ave bin thinkin bout omosapiun marriages and wot it could mean to geezers if dey were to just legalize it like da erbal remedy. i am a massiv fan of da flange so by no means do me views...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 11:45:00 GMT

somethin to ponda ova

check it out so i was thinkin about dis whole myspace place and all and ow it as become so popular. i mean there is so many geezers and bitches up in in da house. i check around and all i sees is dese...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 16:11:00 GMT

da best of da best... Ali G quotes

Speaking with George Paton Orange Lodge Grandmaster in N Ireland... Ali : When you is on your marches is there music?George : There is lots of music.Ali : Is you knocking out a drum and bass sound or ...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 13:11:00 GMT