I'm definately called Bubbles for a reason. I LOVE playing with Bubbles. I have so many AMAZING bubble toys I can't even count. You'll have to come and find me at a festival over the summer and see all the wonderful things that can be done with Bubbles. Learn how to blow little bubbles inside big bubbles. It's lots of fun! If enough people get together and wish really hard, we might be able to make a big enough bubble to transport us all to the faerie realm.
You might see me dancing in the chillout space with my contact juggling ball. Or spinning poi in the middle of a beautiful open field.
Night time is my favourate time of day. I love all the twinkling stars, and I think the moon is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But I especially enjoy night time because I get to play with fire (spinning fire poi that is). But don't worry, I'm very safe. I've never burnt myself, because pixies are far too clever to do that! Hee Hee!
When I don't feel like spinning fire at night time, you will catch me playing with my beautiful glowing stripey poi. I love them lots. They make such beautiful patterns. Especially under uv lights.
Most of all, I LOVE playing with humans. Humans can be soooo funny. Come and find me and have a chat or come and learn some poi tricks. I'll sing silly songs and tell silly jokes and poems. It's fun to make people laugh.
I can perform outdoors, or indoors, open air or under cover. I can mingle with the humans at your festival and keep them entertained on stage or off stage between bands or on the move. I am on a mission to spread pixie magic and laughter wherever I go.
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