Oh, you know, the usual: Music, Movies, Television, Books and Heroes. Uh, ok, so I just copied that off of here, but you're not really interested anyway, I can see it in your eyes (and you thought that webcam was off).
Who have you got?
Lots of different stuff. Asides from the things I usually listen to (which would be too presumptious of me to list(I presume)), I'm happy with just about anything with an interesting bassline.
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. Otherwise, I like films, but it depends on my mood what I want to watch.
Doctor Who. A plethora of sitcoms. I can't think of anything else that's regularly on that I regularly watch.
I'll read just about anything that doesn't have a pastel front cover.
I don't have any, and I don't want any. Thank you.