ZERO (aka ZERØ or Banda Zero) profile picture

ZERO (aka ZERØ or Banda Zero)

About Me

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ZERØ was born in 1983 when the designer, singer and songwriter Guilherme Isnard joined the four architects: Beto Birger (bass), Claudio Souza (drums), Gilles Eduar (sax), Fábio Golfetti and Nelson Coelho (guitars) to form a band.

This lineup lasted for two years. During this time they featured in the compilation album "OS INTOCÁVEIS" released in 1983 by Deck Records, in May East's 1985 album "REMOTA BATUCADA" ("CAIM E ABEL" track) and they released their first single " HERÓIS (A) 100% PAIXÃO (B)" by CBS (now Sony Music) in 1984. This lineup is known as "The Original".

In 1985 Guilherme changed the musicians. ZERØ line up at that time was: Eduardo Amarante (ex-Agentss and Azul 29) - guitar, Ricky Villas-Boas (ex-Joe Euthanazia) - bass, Freddy Haiat (ex-Degradée) - keyboards and Athos Costa (ex-Tan-Tan Club) - drums. Their first album "PASSOS NO ESCURO" (1986) by EMI/Odeon, including the hits " AGORA EU SEI " and " FORMOSA ", sold more than 200 thousand copies and awarded the band a Gold Record. This lineup is known as "The Classic".

1987 is the year of "CARNE HUMANA" the second album release including the hits " QUIMERAS " and " A LUTA E O PRAZER " and of another member switch - Athos was replaced by Malcom Oakley (ex-Azul 29 and Voga) on drums. These were very big times; they got the chance to perform the warm-up show in Tina Turner's concert at Pacaembu Soccer Stadium in São Paulo and in Maracanã Soccer Stadium in Rio de Janeiro to a crowd of over 300 thousand people.

In 1989, when on top, ZERØ suddenly, surprisingly and peacefully announced its break during their concerts in Dama Xoc/SP and in Circo Voador/Rio which was transmitted live to a special Brazilian TV show "Manchete Shopping Show". "The subject was over" explained Isnard. They played until 1992 in a farewell tour throughout the country and then ZERØ hibernated. Isnard moved back to Rio de Janeiro (where he was born), Eduardo Amarante moved to Aracaju, Ricky Villas moved to Amsterdam and Freddy and Malcom remained in SP.

In 1999, celebrating 15 years of its creation, ZERØ headed out for some reunion concerts in Rio and in São Paulo. For these concerts, Guilherme rejoined the classic formation - Eduardo, Ricky and Freddy. This reunion is the mark of a definite return of the band.

With so much going on and due to great acceptance of the public, ZERØ released the album " ELECTRO-ACÚSTICO " in 2000 which revisits its big hits from the 80's adding four more previously unreleased tracks. By then, ZERØ still had no CD released and was the most bootleg recorded band (the album "PASSOS NO ESCURO" is in VEJA's list of the 10 most bootlegged albums).

In this new album, 2 new members joined the band: Sérgio Naciffe - drums and JPMENDONÇA - production and keyboards. This new independent album had no video clips, no marketing, no any kind of promotional campaigns whatsoever, still its 10 thousand copies was sold out only by fan's mouth-to-mouth promotion.

This great success stimulated EMI/Odeon to launch in 2003 a compilation of ZERØ's 2 first albums remasterized, the "ZERØ - OBRA COMPLETA" album (also sold out). In 2004, Renato Donisete, the fan-club president, with the assistance of Fábio Golfetti (Violeta de Outono) from the original formation, edited and released the rarity " DIAS MELHORES " by Invisible Records, including first demos, special participations and the first single.

ZERØ's current lineup is heading out on a nationwide promotional tour of its new album "QUINTO ELEMENTO" the first one released only with unpublished recordings in 19 years.

My Interests


Member Since: 26/10/2006
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Record Label: LáNiCasa Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Quinto Elemento - press release

O material desse novo CD demonstra que o ZERØ está vibrante e empenhado em construir uma sonoridade contemporânea ao invés de colher confortavelmente os louros dos anos 80s, tão em voga atualmente. .....
Posted by on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:29:00 GMT