( copyright: www.keitan.de / professional band- and concertphotos! )
influenced by bands like THE BONES, ZEKE, LITTLE RICHARD, SKEW SISKIN, DEAD MOON, PETER PAN SPEEDROCK but above all by the sound of the old school MOTÖRHEAD.
timeless Rock´n Roll
…one of the loudest and dirtiest Rock´n Roll bands in Southern Germany…(quote of the press)
Simple melodies and very expressive riffs without flourishes as well as extensive touring
SILVERMACHINE: KicksAssWithClass !!! ( Quote of RockHard )
In this spirit: ...louder..dirtier...SILVERMACHINE !!!
Silvermachine: Beeinflußt vom Sound solcher Bands wie THE BONES, ZEKE, LITTLE RICHARD, SKEW SISKIN, DEAD MOON, PETER PAN SPEEDROCK, vor allem aber den alten MOTÖRHEADSilvermachine: Spielen zeitlosen Rock´n´Roll.Presse betitelt Silvermachine "als eine der lautesten & dreckigsten Rock´n´Roll-Bands aus "South-Germany"
Silvermachine, das heißt: Einfache Melodien, schnörkellose & ausdruckstarke Riffs sowie ausgiebiges Touren...SILVERMACHINE: KicksAssWithClass !!! ( Zitat: RockHard )
In diesem Sinne: Lauter....Dreckiger....SILVERMACHINE !!!
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Hell Hound