Skiing, wakeboarding, traveling, going to the Swiss, hiking and camping, shopping, watching football, hockey and NCAA basketball, spending time with awesome friends and family....
Hmmm....maybe it's you? Never know unless you ask. I leave my profile on 'single' for a reason. Until I find someone that captures my heart and helps me be a better person each day, I have to assume I'm still up for grabs...
Anything and everything, just depends whose company I am in...From classical to country, I'm your girl...
Any movie with Vince Vaughn, Love Actually, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Harry Potter, Sweet Home Alabama, Hostel, Hotel Rwanda, Schindler's List, Born into Brothels, and foreign films from Europe and South America...just to name a few...
24, Lost, The Amazing Race, Deadliest Catch, ESPN, The O'Reilly Factor, Top Chef, House Hunters, Big Love...
The 5 People You Meet in Heaven, Whiteout, Ambler Warning, Kite Runner, Culture of Fear, JackDaws, Night, Train to Potevka...
My parents, for who they are and everything they do to make me the person I am today. I am forever grateful and nothing short of blessed.