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bodybuilding, muscles, photography, science, nutrition, female bodybuilding,contest bodybuilding and preperation ( i am bb pro coach) erotic, strength training, arts and drawings ( i love and do paintings for myself) , reading books, psychology, movies and animals ( i am breeding fire belly toads), my sites: "LIVE WITH PASSION - INTENSE AS FIRE"also i am a professional photographer, we are always interested in shootings ( nude, xxx, art ), so feel free to write if you are interested in the erotic business
"PROFESSIONAL INTENSITY TRAINING TECHNIQUES" PITT - FORCEthis site is about a training system that will change the world of training now it is accepted to train hard and long and there are a few systems already who preach to train short and intense. but still there are many who got overtrained too when it comes to intense trainingso i want to meet people who are interested to learn about a training that is hard and smart at the same time. a way to develop your body without spending endless hours in the gym no matter if it is intense training already or even "the volume approach" , which is by far the most worse thing to do, because the volume training is only the key method for those who are genetically gifted and who have nothing to do with a regular human muscle structure at all.for sure i admire all the muscle heroes in the magazines and in the world of bodybuilding, but i know that a lot of trainies already recognized that their bodies are different from them , when it comes to the expected main target: muscle growth.PITT FORCE - professional intense training techniques is the first training sysTem that is based on facts the scientists kept in secret for nearly over 50 years. but now their time is over and they can not hide it anymore to the public. it is based on logic, real facts and on own experiences and athletes i do prepare for contests in the ifbb it is alreadY "ifbb pro bodybuilding " approved by the sensational nicole pfuetzenreuter from germany, the one and only woman who got an ifbb pro card within in only two years of serious contest training because of growing so fast while using the pitt force training system.but for sure it is no magic way or even a no sweat and effort style to work out, it is real blood and guts work and it is only for those who want muscles more than anything else, but this time you got all the dedication and intense training back - rep by rep , day by day. the first time ever you feel that it is worth to give all the best you can and that you have the secure that it will give you at the same time the results you did always desire and you were always waiting for and some of us already start loose believing in."MUSCLE GROWTH BEYOND IMAGINATION""INTENSE AS FIRE""PITT - FORCE : PROFESSIONAL INTENSITY TRAINING TECHNIQUES"THE NEX LEVEL WHEN IT COMES TO REAL MUSCLE GAINS FAST !
Mam Ronnie Colman
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Dorian Yates
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