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Im a creative person, with a great passion for Art of all types. Tattooing is my Main area of Focus. I rarley pierce anymore. I enjoy Tattoo art of all styles & every medium of related tattoo art. I've admired the artform of tattoo since my eyes gazzed upon the first works of tattoo on my uncles as a youngin. As a direct result I applied my 1st homemade tattoo with a single sewing needle wrapped in thread & dipped in Higgins Ink. The tattoo was an image i used to tag my art works with. I was around the age the 13. & My Parents flipped out. As far as i can remember ive always had the urge to draw & paint on all the surfaces around me. Seeing things in a colorful light before the art is even applied. I pursued a career in art starting in high school, onto college & now I have moved out on my own & created a new Tattoo & Piercing Studio in Portsmouth Oh. Monkey Bomb Tattoo Studio Located on 2919 Walnut St. P-Town Oh 45662. & will always tattoo & create no matter where I end up. Id Like to thank everyone who has allowed me to Tattoo your flesh! & Everyone who supported Our Move. & Thanks to all the shop OWNERS & ARTIST WHO HELPED ME ALONG THE WAY OR GAVE ME A CHANCE TO WORK AT THEIR SHOPS! Thank You.