KiLLa KaM aka The Centerpiece profile picture

KiLLa KaM aka The Centerpiece

Damn E-Bay... It's a bunch of bullllshit! ~I Love You Audrey~

About Me

There is just so much about me to tell it would take up more then this section to tell. I'll jus give you the basics. My name is Cameron Molifua. I am a football player who is currently tryin to get my self healthy so I can be the great football player I know I can become. I am from the beautiful city of Oceanside, Killa Califo-NI-EYYYYY! I am half samoan and half mexican. My family is everything to me! My parents are two of the hardest working people I know. My dad is full samoan, hence the last name and my mom is full mexican, she works like one too! haha just kidding mom! I love those two people so much. I got a big brother who is the greatest any little brother could ever ask for! He is a role model and I have never looked up to anyone as much as i look up to him. My big sister is a beautiful woman who has gone through a lot, I am very proud of her strength and am proud of how much she has grown and how much she has accomplished! My little sister is the most BEAUTFIUL GIRL I have ever met. She is my pride and joy! I love that little girl with all my heart, she is destined for great things and I can't wait to she what she will accomplish in her life. To my best friend, NUI, uso we have been through a lot of bullllshnit in our lives and you are my uso for life! I'll always be there for you uso, don't ever forget that. To my cousins out there, I love you guys with all my heart, you know that I would do anything for ya'll! IMARI, good luck out in Idaho uso, come down and visit your kuzzin in Ogden when it gets rough, haha! To VIC and RUSS, stay doing big things out in Provo, you guys are NFL bound and don't forget ur kuzzin Cam when u make it big, aight? And last but not least, MY BABY, MY ROCK, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE...AUDREY!!! Baby, I love you soooo much! My Princess, My Lover, My Sexy Baby that does everything for me. You are the only person I can honestly say has changed my life, for the better! Even though we have rough times there is no shadow of a doubt that you are the one for me! I love you my sweetie and I can't wait to see you again! I plan on spending the rest of my life with you, don't EVER forget that! I love you my baby! Well that's about it, and thats just the basics...I told you there is a lot of shnit in my life! THat's it if I left you out...SORRY, my bad! Holla at a player, YADDADAIMEAN?!
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My Interests

Anything Music, Sports, Family, Friends, and whatever...My Girl and I @ My game! My BABY, this is all me...
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I'd like to meet:

All the homies from school and especially family that I can't keep in touch with on a regular basis. I ALREADY MET THE ONE FOR ME!!! AUDREY!! My little Cutie!


Buy Unforgivable merch NOW, or I'mma call BOVICE!Rap/Hip Hip, Island Reggae, R&B and anything with a tight beat...


I'm all good with comedies and action movies, but you'll never catch me in a horror flick, unless I am forced.HAKA TIME
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My grandparents, parents ...and the one and only "Warrior"...mah Uncle Wally...the toughest man I have ever known

My Blog


Rules: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose some people to be tagged, listing their names and why...
Posted by KiLLa KaM aka The Centerpiece on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 09:00:00 PST