Martin Herman profile picture

Martin Herman

About Martin Herman

About Me

Composer - curator of online radio station - bentstrings radio - for experimental and unusul music, with apologies in advance for's cheesy self serving advertisements. Please drop by for a listen. And send me some of your music to get in the rotation. Founder and artistic director of the VOLT Festival in Long Beach, California - for the creation and production of new experimental music/art/theater. My work has been performed by Downtown Opera, California EAR Unit, Berkeley Contemporary Opera, Long Beach Symphony, Atlanta Symphony, Voice Box at CalArts. More recently I have collaborated with the Spanish sculptor, Mayte Alonso, on an interactive installation of sculpture/sound at the Casa de Velazquez in Madrid, Spain. Aesthetically I would place myself in the vein of post-minimalism, who loves progressive rock, laptop performance, most anything with drones and loops, experimental and conceptual art, theater and sound installation, and computer game design.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/25/2006
Band Website:
Influences: Mainly experimental, but diverse - Steve Reich, John Adams, Ligeti, Stravinsky, Messiaen, Zappa, George Crumb, Gerard Grisey, Louis Andriessen, Brian Eno, Beatles, Syd Barrett and early Pink Floyd, Moby Grape, Quicksilver, Radiohead, Sonic Youth, Dead Can Dance, Autechre, Aphex Twin, Stockhausen, Sibelius, Bjork, Matmos, Sigur Ros, Fred Frith, Flamenco, Bollywood sound tracks, lately the Brazilian Girls
Record Label: bentstrings
Type of Label: Indie