Music,dancing,singing,writng songs as well as poetry.Why? Why do they take YOU and use YOU? Fuck YOU and abuse YOU? Talk YOU and leave YOU? Class YOU and curse YOU? Say they miss YOU but diss YOU? Mistreat YOU then kiss YOU? Say they love YOU but hurt YOU? Say they need YOU but hit YOU? Why do they hide things from YOU and lie to YOU? Why do they cheat on YOU then cry to come back to YOU? Why do they break YOUR heart and think it's okay? Why do they sleep around with different girls everyday? Why do they sweet talk US into taking them back? All they do is lie when WE try 2 prove the fact. Why do they stress YOU, rape YOU and throw YOUR past in YOUR face? Couple months later another women takes YOUR place. Why do they use US as steps and walk all over US? Although WE show OUR love and in them WE put OUR trust. Why do they call US names sluts, whores and bitches? Bail them out of jail yet still call US snitches. Why can't they be honest and true? Why can't they show the love they say they got 4 YOU? Why can't they live up to their promises and do what’s right? Instead of always proving their point and always causing a fight. Why can't they be positive in negative situations? Tells US that WE are slackers while they have all the excuses? Why can't WE just live happy instead of being sad? Every second of the day WE happen 2 be mad. Why are WE replaced and being pushed aside? But then tell ME u love ME with all your pride. Why do they push YOU to reach YOUR goals in life? Claim their building YOU up soon YOU'LL be their wife. Bread YOU and leave YOU with all the children, then YOU happen to go on welfare just to get that 1 bedroom building. Why do they ignore the truth whenever it's being told? But whenever their upset their the 1 WE hold. When things really get bad that's when the truth unfolds. U should take anything that they do to YOU, but YOU should never do anything they do. Why do many of US end up in the hospital bed? Is it because WE didn't listen to what OUR family or friends said? Why do they need to bring YOU down and bring things to far? WE don't realize it or take it in until WE see a scar. Not just any scar but 1 that would stay on YOUR body forever. If WE had just listen this wouldn't have happened NEVER!!!! WHY?
Get Your Own Voice Player Manage
Lloyd f/Lil'Wayne-want u Sammie-come with me Mila J-complete Anisha Nicole-stay Lil'Scrappy-money in the bank
My Baby's Daddy
Parkers, Wayne Brothers, Proud Family
Jorgianna Cooper