Learning new stuff, going new places, movies, listening to music, making music, and late-night, wine-soaked discussions of anything from sex to religion to dog breeds to comedians and back to sex.
The dude.
Blues, indie, ambient, techno, occasional bluegrass, classical, did I say blues? Specifically Bob Dylan, Hot Tuna, Eric Clapton and Gillian Welch. I also love world music: Habib Koite, Baba Maal, Salif Keita, Gipsy Kings, Peter Gabriel etc. And anything else except Top 40 and death metal...
The Big Lebowski. Anything else by the Coen Brothers. Braveheart. Rob Roy. LOTR. Anything with Jim Carrey. Secretary. American Astronaut (best indie film this planet has yet produced). Anything else that either has sick, stupid, inane humor, or piques my interest and makes me question myself.
I relate to stupid humor. I've come to think of myself as Peter Griffin trapped in a female body. I like Penelope on SNL for the same reason: she opens her mouth and puts her foot in it, and nobody really gets her, and she doesn't know why she's funny. I can relate to that. I should mention, however, that I don't have cable, or a TV...
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, of course! Tom Robbins tickles me. Also Songmaster by Orson Scott Card; anything Jack London ever wrote; Stephen King's Gunslinger series; CS Lewis' Narnia Chronicles; Nobokov's Lolita; and any book that gives me new info on animals, quantum physics or weird facts about the human brain. Also, cereal box labels. I really like those.