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About Me

I'm a happy go-lucky, yet sassy type chick. I'm sweet and sarcastic on the same cracker. I'm pretty laid back, and down for almost anything. - Alaska saved my life, and I'm totally in love... with the best guy ever. We're living together and we are now in Anchorage. We've traveled around living together for over the past 2 years in parts of Alaska, Utah and Colorado.- I have tons of cool sweaters and love to wear flip-flops (even in the snow), t-shirts and jeans. - Music is important, although I'm uber picky about what I listen to. Acoustic guitar and piano are my favorites. - Dogs are my favorite thing on earth. If I could be anything when I grow up I would totally be a dog.- I'm taking time off from college right now... and I love it. I spend most of my time missing my mom and being a slacker.

My Interests

At the moment, Mountains. Denali, and Dogs. Hockey and sleep.

I'd like to meet:

I love Conan O'Brien. I want to have his babies. Will Ferrel would be a cool guy to know. Along with Johnny Knoxville because he'll do anything. I wish I could have one more moment with Elliott Smith. I have a lot of questions for Chris McCandless. The guys who discovered Agent Orange. Edmund Hillary and Jon Krakauer. I would love to meet and house all the homeless dogs in the world. I honestly would if I could.


2007 was the year of You Tube for me. I didn't really buy any CDs except the new Interpol, and Explosions In the Sky Album, and New Moon ; Elliott Smith's rarities. I went to few shows. Music just isn't made like it used to be. And I live in Anchorage now, very few good shows come to Alaska.


I LOVE NETFLIX!!! HEAT is my favorite movie ever. Everything Micheal Mann has ever done since 1990 except Miami Vice. That movie was terrible. I secretly really like Zach Braff's acting in his movies thus far. I guess since there are too many movies I could put as my favorites I won't list I'll just say I dig Horror, Comedy, Drama and Documentaries, and every once in a while a movie that I loved when I was 3 years old. Thrillers usually freak me out, and Action movies are usually always entertaining, the more recent the better. Unless it's Bruce Lee day Kung Fu movies. Those are still good somehow. I usually hate movies about sports teams, and for some reason love movies about kids in high school, they're funny.


Simpsons, Heros, Gossip Girl, Gilmore Girls (my newest obsession) and Lost.


The most recent book that I have read and would recommend to whoever would be The Long Walk. Some Polish Guy wrote it. It's super good, not too long. It's about some crazy trek across Asia. Read it.


For now, my mom. Michael Murph, and this makes me want to come home every day:

My Blog

Back in Iowa City: Part 3.

Maybe I'm just crabby but I have had just about enough. My family is driving me crazy. The weather has been rather pleasant for me considering I'm from a state where you can wear long sleeves year rou...
Posted by Mandy on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 02:35:00 PST

Back in Iowa City: Part 2.

So now begins the realizations. I don't live here anymore for many reasons that I had somehow forgotten. My father drives me crazy, he's overbearing allllllllllllll the time. I feel like I'm still 14 ...
Posted by Mandy on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 07:08:00 PST

Back in Iowa City: Part 1.

So coming home usually feels like a drag as soon as I get here. I miss my life and my honey and the usual daily norm. But this trip is somehow different. I can honestly say that I would love to move b...
Posted by Mandy on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 01:09:00 PST

There’s something about that...

Peter Petrelli. Man, he's just so hot. I didn't thinks so at first but now I'm just obsessed. If Peter Petrelli were a real person I'd move to New York City and stalk his sexy ass. But he's not. Basic...
Posted by Mandy on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:27:00 PST

I move alot.

So we moved again. We move alot. We now live smack dab in the center of downtown Anchorage in the swingingest pad every. We love it! If you know where Indigo Furniture is, you know where we are. Big t...
Posted by Mandy on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 03:47:00 PST

Into The Wild

Into the Wild Add to My Profile |   More Videos...
Posted by Mandy on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 06:48:00 PST

Watch This. Please.
Posted by Mandy on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 04:47:00 PST

Another Alaska Adventure Continues

Yeay! Ryan and I just leased a place today. It's a cute 1 bedroom apartment, with lots of character, closets and a neat kitchen alcove. So we'll be living in Anchorage for the next 7 months, just...
Posted by Mandy on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 07:40:00 PST

Another Alaska Adventure Begins

Today is the day before I leave for Alaska again. I have been there so much now that I am uanble to remember how many times I've visted and lived and flown all the way up there. Obviously, I...
Posted by Mandy on Mon, 08 May 2006 10:39:00 PST

Random Opinions Make a Comeback

Random Opinion Number 55: Not having a job for a bit is really boring. Especially since I also don't have a license, but then hockey comes on, it's great. 04/23/06 Random Opinion Number 56: Shopping w...
Posted by Mandy on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 03:13:00 PST