At the moment, Mountains. Denali, and Dogs. Hockey and sleep.
I love Conan O'Brien. I want to have his babies. Will Ferrel would be a cool guy to know. Along with Johnny Knoxville because he'll do anything. I wish I could have one more moment with Elliott Smith. I have a lot of questions for Chris McCandless. The guys who discovered Agent Orange. Edmund Hillary and Jon Krakauer. I would love to meet and house all the homeless dogs in the world. I honestly would if I could.
2007 was the year of You Tube for me. I didn't really buy any CDs except the new Interpol, and Explosions In the Sky Album, and New Moon ; Elliott Smith's rarities. I went to few shows. Music just isn't made like it used to be. And I live in Anchorage now, very few good shows come to Alaska.
I LOVE NETFLIX!!! HEAT is my favorite movie ever. Everything Micheal Mann has ever done since 1990 except Miami Vice. That movie was terrible. I secretly really like Zach Braff's acting in his movies thus far. I guess since there are too many movies I could put as my favorites I won't list I'll just say I dig Horror, Comedy, Drama and Documentaries, and every once in a while a movie that I loved when I was 3 years old. Thrillers usually freak me out, and Action movies are usually always entertaining, the more recent the better. Unless it's Bruce Lee day Kung Fu movies. Those are still good somehow. I usually hate movies about sports teams, and for some reason love movies about kids in high school, they're funny.
Simpsons, Heros, Gossip Girl, Gilmore Girls (my newest obsession) and Lost.
The most recent book that I have read and would recommend to whoever would be The Long Walk. Some Polish Guy wrote it. It's super good, not too long. It's about some crazy trek across Asia. Read it.
For now, my mom. Michael Murph, and this makes me want to come home every day: