Family, Computers, Games, God, Science, Math, Camping, The Beach, Problems that challenge me, Saratoga and its future, Friends, UT Football!!! Go VOLS! Sports playing and watching..
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Bailey for sure, and I will someday... Bill Gates as he heads my career choice really. Humm this is kinda hard.. Albert Einstein (I Love Physics and all sciences really) "W" to thank him for the Christmas Card. I am sure I will think of others.
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Pretty much all of it. I lean towards Rock and Alternative.
Armageddon, LOTR, Star Wars, The Ring, Nightmare of Elm Street, Die Hard, Ocean's Eleven, Friday the 13th...
Seinfeld, College Football, NFL because football is football. I really do not watch a lot of TV.
The Well of Eternity, Sword of Truth, Fantasy in general.
God and Jesus, Bailey, My Wife, Armed Forces