Tsumik profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Everyone used to know me as the white fuzzy hat guy but now it's the guy with the camera in my face. I'm a Air Force brat along with having been in the Air Force for a short stint. I'm an artist but left engineering/architecture cause I wanted to something more creative. By day I'm a web/user experience designer, by night I'm a nightclub/event photographer. I enjoy a good laugh, good food and the company of friends. I'm quite adventurous and love to see shows, travel, and explore everything around me. I try to better everything I do and make the world I live in a more beautiful and acceptable place. I always try to be there for my friends whether it's an ear, a smile, or a shoulder. And at the same time I party in life like a rockstar cause life is too short to be left with "I wish I would have..."

My Interests

StillVapor, Electronic Music, Performance Art, Photography, Digital Design, Glass Paperweights, Shaolin Kung Fu, Cooking, Sports Cars, Mashi Maro, MOGU, Cirque Du Soliel, Myst, Movie Special Effects, Architecture

I'd like to meet:

Anyone. I always find wonderful and amazing people around me and there is always so much to learn from them. Of course it helps if your hot... Who said that? ;)


Deepsky, Rabbit in the Moon, Hybrid, Burufunk, Fischerspooner, Benny Goodman, Astral Projection, John Williams, Jim Brickman, David Sandborn, Emma Shaplin, Sarah Mclachlan, Harry Connick Jr., Vienna Teng, Chris Botti, Korn, Depeche Mode, the Canadian Brass


American Beauty, Amistad, What Dreams May Come, The Family Man, Pearl Harbor, Professional, Stigmata, The Thomas Crown Affair, Fist of Legend, The Matrix, Negotiator, Ronin, Thin Red Line, Top Gun, Initial D, Coyote Ugly, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Love Actually, Last Samurai, Hero, Memoirs of a Geisha, The American President, Band of Brothers, Batman Begins, Bed of Roses, Behind Enemy Lines, Billy Elliot, The Boondock Saints, The Butterfly Effect, Changing Lanes, Chasing Amy, The Count of Monte Cristo, Constantine, Dark City, Dead Poets Society, The Devil's Advocate, Dodgeball, Edward Scissorhands, Enemy at the Gates, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Final Cut, Field of Dreams, Fight Club, Finding Nemo, The Girl Next Door, Ice Age, Identity, The Incredibles, Interview with the Vampire, It Could Happen to You, The Italian Job, The Jackal, Jakob the Liar, Kingdom of Heaven, A Knight's Tale, Kung Fu Hustle, A Man Apart, Man on Fire, Matchstick Men, Meet the Parents, Memento, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. Holland's Opus, Napoleon Dynamite, Ocean's Eleven, Office Space, Phone Booth, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Princess Bride, Reign of Fire, Save the Last Dance, The Secret of NIMH, Serendipity, Sin City, Sleepy Hollow, Spanglish, Stigmata, The Sword in the Stone, Timeline, The Transporter, Tron, Troy, Underworld, War Games, What Women Want, Zoolander


Surprisingly I don't have time to watch much Television. I'm lucky if I get sleep these days. But if I do manage to get a moment infront of the glowing screen I like Iron Chef America, Top Gear, just about anything on the discovery channel (yes I know geek!), and various sitcoms/comedies. But usually I'll resort to a DVD instead thanks to Netflix! =)


Watership Down, East of Eden, All I really need to know I learned in Kindgarden, The Firm, Dune, Shogun, The Vampire Chronicles, Time Travelers Wife

My Blog


^^^ That's where my real journal is.
Posted by Erich on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST