Stephanie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I love to do so much...I love to be outdoors where God screams His glory through His creation-taking pictures, capturing it with my words, or embracing it in exercise and sports or liesure activities...I love spending time with anyone and everyone especially children and the elderly just getting to know who they are and about their life...I love spending time with my family...I love cooking and trying new types of food (such as Lebanese...I love learning to play new instruments (at the moment its guitar and soon to be cello)...I love my cat Beaux and his company...I love doing service and mission work...I love singing in my church choir and playing keyboard for the youth praise team...I love curling up in a chair or in my bed with a good book/bible study and a cup of hot tea...I love the mountains but I love the ocean, I love to snow board but I hate the cold...I love the beach but only if I can sit in the shade because I hate the heat...I love to travel and see new places and things...I could go on and on! But I won't...I'll just make up for it below!

My Interests

Reading, singing, writting music, God's character, horses, sports, cards, drawing, theater, sleeping. I love working with kids and being goofy. I love massages and when people play with my hair. I love doing arts and crafts and being paid to be a big kid all day long and play with glue and make sand castles. I love reading my Word and descovering new depths of God's character and unfailing love. Oh, and I LOVE Gilato. They have a place here in Santa Fe, New Mexico called Gilato Belissimo. EXCELENT!


Christian, orchestral, chant, hard rock, punk, worship, hymns...(Nichole Nordeman, Todd Smith, Rich Mullins, Bethany Dilland, Casting Crowns, Christy Nockels, Chris Tomlin, Chris Rice, David Crowder, FFH, Twice Born, Noggin Toboggin, Downhere, Kutless, Todd Smith, Switchfoot, Mark Shultz, Wayne Watson, Caedmon's Call, Big Daddy Weave, Jeremy Camp, Kristy Starling, Steven Curtis Chapman, Mercy Me, Beethoven, DeBussy, Chopin, Schewman, Vaalam, 11, 000 Vigins-Hildegard Shawn McDonald, Warren Barfield


National Treasure, The Sandlot, Hook, Pirates of the Carribean, Princess Diaries, Spider Man 2, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Toy Story and Toy Story 2, Monster's Inc., Newsies, Finding Neverland, Finding Nemo, Open Range, Lord of the Rings (all 3), The Last Samuri, Mr. Holland's Opus, Second Hand Lions...


TV is a waste of my time because it is idle time that I could be using to spend with the Lord.(Except for Shark Week and the Discovery Channel at times and Rachel Ray- 30 Minutye Meals and Tyler on Food 911) Colossians 3:20-23 "Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: "Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!"? These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence."


The Bible, God's Smuggler by: Brother Andrew (The Second greatest book in the world after God's holy Word), The Calling (also by Brother Andrew)When Godly People Do Ungodly Things by Beth Moore, Disciplines of a Godly Woman, Breaking Free, Monster (Frank Peretti)


Bible= Jesus, Paul, John, Isaiah, Hezikiah, Daniel, Nathan, Peter, Timothy, Abraham, David; Pastor Lee Herring, Polly Brinker, Author and Missionary Brother Andrew and Cori Tinoom