LaMaW(working on new songs) profile picture

LaMaW(working on new songs)

About Me

On August 2005, LaMaW was formed & it was formerly called DEFORMITY of FLESH.
Making groove death metal with two vox, humbly played their first & last gig at their homie Panabo City together with human mastication, disastrous & crustration.
Unfortunately, some crew was out of shit & got no time for the band to make it a stronger one.
So by november, same year the band was up to start it all over again.
They changed their name into LaMaW with the same members of DEFORMITY of FLESH but now with only one vox.
They performed at Bankerohan, Davao City which was organized by the GUTTURAL SICKNESS ZINE.
On March 2006 after that gig, the members of LaMaW was gone again & only the bass player remained.
Sadistically speaking, bass player Redan choosed to play guitars & found some new fuckin' members in his hometown.
Finally, he got the vox & drummer of the said death metal band called DISASTROUS.
LaMaW succeded their demo for the first time & it was a self release album entitled "PLEASURE of PUTRID FLESH"!!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 25/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Delon-vox Warren-bass Redan-guitar Eudz-drums
Influences: all brutall shit!!!
Sounds Like: pig devouring your putrid flesh!!!
Record Label: none
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

5 way split cuming soon

up cuming 5 way split cuming soon!!! under selfish appetite records... more info to be anounced soon!!!!
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:48:00 GMT