The Pagan Love Cult inc profile picture

The Pagan Love Cult inc

About Me

This page contains some of our more traditional hippy folk-rock pieces.

For a more electronic take on things, check out our stuff at...

My Interests


Member Since: 25/10/2006
Band Website:
Influences: The only cult in the world that tries to brainwash its followers to think for themselves...
The Pagan Love Cult inc is a loosely based collective of musicians, media guerillas, computer buffs, eco-bores, occultists, cosmics, cynics, first and second generation hippies and genuine psychedelic casualties. Being basically humble, self-effacing obscurists with a healthy distrust of the media spotlight, we would prefer to remain anonymous. However, given the essentially ego-based nature of the entertainment industry, and the general public’s never-ending hunger for new “personalities” to digest, not to mention the never-ending quest to turn a buck, this will have to do ...
Sounds Like: The Pagan Love Cult inc.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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