~_*aKhiYa*_^ profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Cool Slideshows ♥aKhiYa ♥is:

Φ control freak..
Φoverly fixated..
Φaddict ako..uhh...addict ako..
Φalways taken for granted..
Φmusic lover..
Φfashion freak..
Φ dreamer..
Φgood pero bad girl..hmm.see the duality of human nature??
Φcomplicated im tellin u..
Φweaklingworry wart..
Φcry baby..
Φmataray daw..daw a..
Φdenial queen..
Φan angel that could turn into a monster when mad..
ΦI'm a zombie in the morning..
Φi love makin people happy as much as it breaks my heart to see em sad..
Φyeyeah showbiz ako..
Φor worse politiko.NOT..
Φi'm a complusive liar..
Φimpluse buyer yo..
Φbut kuripot most of the time..weird huh?
Φqueen paranoia..
Φgreat pretender..
Φgig pig..
Φqueen of pain..
Φfood tripper..
Φi dislike hypocrites,copy cats and conceited people..
Φze hospital ees my second home..
Φnurses in the Philippines make me proud..:]
Φwhile some hoover to live, i live to hoover. hahaha whut a pig..
ΦtExT aDdiCt..
Φi sooo heart chinese food..
Φi have this involuntary habit of procrastinatin.tsk!
Φi'm currently under th spell of a sweet futile romance..
Φeuphoric and depressed at the same time..
Φthe sound of bass makes me smile..
Φold people and children in the streets melt my hEart..
Φalways seeking new challenges
Φgets very attached to people
ΦpLeasUre sEekinG
ΦsWayEd bY em0ti0ns
ΦfEars bEing uNwanTed
Φr0mantiC iDeaList
ΦpRefErs tHe famiLiar t0 tHe uNfAmiLiar..
Myspace Layouts
In the 21st Century of my nightmare on earth…I swear on my chromium testicles to this testament…and last will of my iron will…my fear of love, my itch for money, and my madness..It rains on the faces, on my live friends..' faces?those who cover their heads with a blanket?.and it rains on my dead friends..' faces?those who are covered by nothing? Seldom do ghosts come back bearing their tales of hitting the earth, the incompressible sea?but stayed up there in the relative winds?shades fading in the mind..! For a saving grace, we didn..'t see our dead?who rarely bothered coming home to die?but simply stayed away out there?in the clean war, the war in the air. Try to understand this simple speech as I would be ashamed of another?I swear, there is in me no wizardry of words?I speak to you with silence like a cloud or a tree...Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

Name aKhiYa
Birthday dEcemBer 25, 1989
Hair Long, siLky, bLack
Eye 2..hehe.. br0wn
Height aVeRage
Sign cApric0rn
Left/Right Handed riGht
Sing? yEap!
Dance? MORE yEap!
play a musical instrament kiNdah
play a sport s0rtah
What color is your room? wHitE
favorite color piNk aNd bLack
favorite number 2 *tw0* And 8 *eiGht*
favorite letter n0nE
favorite movie mAny t0 mEnti0n
favorite song hUrt, i Luv u s0, h0w t0 sAve a Lyf, BYOB, oNe aNd onLy y0u
favorite cd n0nE
favorite animal sHitzu
favorite band faLL oUt b0y, QUESO!
favorite music type em0, haRdc0re, meLLow, aLterNAtivES.. **I HATE RNB!!**
favorite car c0nvertibLe
favorite season sUmmEr
favorite food n0pE
long or short hair? Long
Chocolate or Vanilla boTh
Sugar or Salt boTH
Coke or Pepsi ( if you pick pepsi you fucking suck) i sUck!! i kn0w it!! dUh!!
Black or White iN wHat wAy!?
Cat or Dog n0nE
Yankees or Boston b0th??
Stripes or Polka Dots p0Lka..
Hearts or Stars SKULLS!
Last thing you ate mY LuNcH.. riCE anD fRied chiCken!
Bed time 1-2 am
Alien or Predator dAmN!! BOTH!!
Place you most wanna visit quez0n ciTy
Tea or Coffee miLk
Fast food? mCd0?? hehehe..
Favorite pizza aT aLexis'
Fruits or Veggetables Luv tHEm b0th!
favorite store nAaah..
Tupac or Biggie biGGie
Video game URBZ..
smoke? NVER TRIED!
What Shampoo and Conditioner do you use pantEne aLwaYs
Rain or Shine rAin aND shiNE
Day or Night dAy anD niGht
do you like school? yAh.. angaL!?
do you think your attractive sAbi nG aDmiReRs.. hehe..
Buz or Woody w00dy!
Ourdoors or Indoors BOTH.. dePEnds oN tHE m0od..
Something you regreat s0mething vEry c0nfidEntiaL
Someone you love yEap! aKin na Lang yuN..
Something you hate ayy!! madami!!
Do you think you have a good fashion ( if you shop in holister abercrombie or buy anything other then pants from AE the answer is NOOOOO) naah..
Ideal Boy/Girl
Hair Color br0wn-isH
Eye Color bLue
Style nEat aNd aTTrActiVe aNd MABANGO!!
Taller or Shorter then you ? taLLer
Smart? dpAt Lang n0h!
More or less attractive then you? m0re i tHink??
Rich? aVerage pWede??
most important personality trait uNdErstAndiNG aNd m0ody Like me..
Random Questions
what did you wear today STUPID schooL uNif0rm
last time you blew your nose LAst LAst m0nth??
last time you showered tHis m0rniNG
do you read? aLwaYS
do you like your life? abSoLUteLY!
whats one thing you wish you had ? oWn car
do you like oreos
have a good day or a bad day today? g0od
one word you say alot "hoi!"
do you have a screename yEap
what is it ? *aKhiYa*
do you go online for more then 2 hours a day yUp..
do you come off as a bitch or asshole ? nEitHEr
are you nice to most people ? pReciseLy
do you talk about people alot m0st oF tHe tiME
do most people dislike you ? i d0nT kn0w
if so is the reason cause your better looking then them? what!?
what was the last thing you watched on tv? MYX -uR ch0iCE uR mUsic-
are you having fun? quite
do you like anwsering questions about yourself? yEap
whos your idol? GOD aNd mRs. dAcAymAt.. my tEacHer iN pSycho..
do you wish you could fly/readpeoplesminds/be invisible ? pLS!! i w0uLd LovE t0!
do you like cheese? yES!
td colspan=2 align=center

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

♥akHiYa♥ wUd LyK t0 mEet:
ψbAg0ng tuLiψ
ψgitaRiSta ng bAmb00ψ
ψsEriaL kiLLerψ
ψjohnny deppψ
ψmga pAch0ych0y..ψ
ψn0t rEckLessψ
ψtHinKs d w0rLd iS a dAngEr0us pLaceψ
ψc0nsidEred wEird bY oThersψ
ψem0ti0naLLy NUMBψ
i love guys who:
♥wear plain white shirts but still manage to look so hott
♥ knows how to listen
♥good conversationalists
♥simple pero rock!
♥front a bad boy attitude but really is s nice guy after all
♥at least know basketball or tennis
♥shows concern
♥are not afraid to show that they love their moms,sisters,grandmas, and the like..
♥go to church every sunday,and know how to pray..
♥can make me laugh
♥make me feel special like kids.:D
♥smell good..
♥tee hee have soft hands.:)
♥aren't afraid to admit their mistakes and weaknesses
♥are banda boys accdg. to miGgy..hahaha
♥biTTer aNd d0es n0t Lyk hapPy pe0pLe
♥hiDes his aTTrActiVeneSS
♥hArdw0rkinG aND g0aL oRientEd
♥seLf c0ntr0LLed
♥ are mApUti
♥got a lean body
♥nice nose and smile.(oo ikaw un! haha)
i'm actually not into guys who:
Δare like sooo hiphop.(barfs)
Δknows nothing..
Δs0o seLf-cEntErEd!
Δs0 vAin..
ΔhArd t0 gEt t0 kn0w
Δwh0 fEeLs LyK an oUtsidEr
ΔvEry dEfensiVe!!
Δpr0nE t0 sHame
Δwh0 c0mpEtes f0r thE sp0tLighT
ΔdEsiRes m0rE aTtenti0n
ΔcAres ab0ut h0w tHey Lun t0 oThers
ΔdRessES pr0v0cAtiveLy

My Blog

bY mAh fave bAnd eVer!!

She says she's no good with words but I'm worseBarely stuttered out"A joke of a romantic" or stuck to my tongueWeighed down with words too over-dramaticTonight it's "it can't get much worse" Vs. "no ...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 08:06:00 GMT