FOOD! Any food-related activities, i.e. dining, cooking, eating.., seriously, i really love to cook and eat, so picky eaters can move on.., Travel, Art, Dance, Reading, and Writing (mainly prose) Pilates, Literature, Big Words...
People who are extremely intelligent and sexy at the same time, and honest, honest, honest.. I, myself am a very open and honest individual, and I am told that I can be to almost a fault. But why have it any other way? I want someone who's passionate and intensely cerebral, a challenge.. Someone who knows how to enjoy life and take control - of situations, and of me at times.. Someone who makes me laugh, and at the same time turns me on..
Soulful house and hip hop, Old School, from Oakenfold to soulful beats..whatever suits my mood at the time.., Naked Music, Prince, AL Green, Barry White, Marvin Gaye, The Roots, Sade, Lately - Anthony David, India Arie, John Legend, Robin Thicke
Create a playlist like this on imeem Office Space, Mallrats, Swingers, Frogs the Movie, Old School, Road Trip, The Replacements, Crouching Tiger.., History of the World Part I, When Harry Met Sally, Pretty Woman, the Shining, Jackie Chan movies, Clueless, Sixth Sense, The Usual Suspects, Invincible
Admittedly, A reality tv addict.. 24, Lost, Heroes, Brothers & Sisters, What about Brian..
The Soul of a Chef by Michael Ruhlman, Siddhartha by H Hesse, Dharma Bums by J Kerouac, Brave New World by A Huxley, Oh! the Places You'll Go by Dr Seuss, Milan Kundera, Amy Tan, Sidney Sheldon