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JuanMa Dieste Lago (JUAN DI LAGO) musico, productor y DJ afincado en San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa-España). Desde bien pequeño desarrolló sus inquietudes musicales, en un principio en su vertiente mas clasica en el conservatorio estudiando solfeo, piano, trompa, canto, coral , y posteriormente en academias de musica moderna y jazz , todo ello compaginado con su carrera como bailarin moderno. Su larga relacion con la música le ha permitido trabajar en diversos proyectos tales como STOP, KAIFAS o MOMAU. La fusion de estas dos expresiones artisticas (la danza y la musica) y el afan de investigacion, le adentraron sin darse cuenta en el mundo de la musica electronica y de baile. Con el grupo Stop, edito 2 trabajos discograficos( L.P.) y 5 maxisingles. Sonando en las principales cadenas de radio de su pais. Mientras componia musica para otros artistas y comenzaba a flirtear con las mesas de mezclas y los platos. Los clubs y discotecas del pais vecino(Francia), fueron los primeros en valorar sus cualidades como DJ, y aunque fue en San Sebastian donde tuvo su primera residencia, en el Kontra, esta era compaginada con residencias mensuales y actuaciones por todo el sur de Francia, Octopus, Citerne, Ambrosia, Matahari Club. En su ciudad ha sido residente de Blow Odissey, Zambra Dance Club, Zibbibo Dance Club, Komplot, Pagoa y Bataplan. Siendo en esta ultima discoteca (una de las mejores de Europa) donde actualmente puedes disfrutar de su sesion del mas divertido y ritmico House, cada Jueves, Viernes y Sabado. Juan di lago ha compartido cabina con HEIKO LAUX, ALEXANDER KOWALSKI, RICHARD F, OCTAVE ONE, RALPHI ROSARIO, NACHO MARCO,MICHAEL CANITROT, CAMILO FRANCO, DANNY CHATELAIN entre otros...En la actualidad, musicalmente JUAN DI LAGO tiene preparado un disco titulado "if i told you to dance", todos los temas de composicion propia, en el que nos presenta su particular concepto de la musica de baile, invitandonos a un divertido viaje desde el house mas vocal, pasando por los sonidos mas relajantes y etnicos del chill, hasta el hard y minimal house mas rompepistas del momento.CONTACTO:-Espa..a - (0034) 650 41 72 13

JuanMa Dieste Lago (JUAN DI LAGO) is a well-known DJ and music producer settled down in San Sebasti..n (Guip..zcoa-Spain). Since his young early days, he demonstrated a natural gift for music. He started (combined with moderm dancing) studying music theory, piano, classical composition , chorale and later on, modern music and jazz. His long relation with music, allowed him to work with diverse musical projects such as STOP, KAIFAS or MOMAU. The fusion of those two artistic expressions (the dance and music) and the need of musical investigation, entered him into the world of electronic and dance music. With “Stop”, he published 2 recordings (L.P.) and 5 maxisingles, which were hardly played by lots of the most important radio stations of Spain.At the same time, he composed music for other artists and began to “flirt” with Dj mixing desks and plates. Clubs and discotheques of the neighboring country (France), were first in valuing his aptitudes as DJ. He obtained his first resident Dj place in San Sebastian at the famous Kontra club, combinning his resident Dj responsabilities with monthly performances around all south of France (Octopus, Citerne, Ambrosia, Matahari Club).In his city, he has worked as resident DJ in clubs such as Blow Odissey, Zambra Dance Club, Zibbibo Dance Club, Komplot, Pagoa and Bataplan, sharing cabin with famous Djs like HEIKO LAUX, ALEXANDER KOWALSKI, RICHARD F, OCTAVE ONE, RALPHI ROSARY, NACHO MARCO, MICHAEL CANITROT, CAMILO FRANCO, DANNY CHATELAIN....Bataplan (one of best clubs of Europe) is now his new House. Its here where every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, you can enjoy his rythmical and unique House.At the present time, JUAN DI LAGO has realised a complete own composed, produced and mastered CD called “if I told you to dance”, where he presents to us his particular view of dance music. In this CD, you will experiment an interesting trip from a vocal house, walking through ethnic and chilling sounds and ending with the best minimal and hard house of the moment.CONTACT: - Spain - (0034) 650 41 72 13

My Interests


Member Since: 25/10/2006
Band Members:
Sounds Like: Juan Di Lago 2008

Añadir a mi perfil | Más VideosJuan Di Lago Asian Tour 2007

Añadir a mi perfil | Más Videos
Type of Label: Indie

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DI LAGO, Juan+Ready 4 This+at+Juno+Download

http://www.junodownload.com/products/1439307-02.ht...DI LAGO, Juan Ready 4 This MP3 download available at Juno Download
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 14:43:00 GMT

Myraconcha Muzik MP3 and music downloads at Juno Download

http://www.junodownload.com/labels/Myraconcha+Muzi...Myracon cha Muzik MP3 and music downloads at Juno Download JUAN DI LAGO NEW RELEASES 2009!!! DOWNLOAD NOW IN JUNODOWNLOADS!!!!!!
Posted by on Thu, 28 May 2009 03:27:00 GMT