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jens catalyst

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Lounge deluxe

These are some the most bizarre pictures I have ever taken. I was in las Vegas,NM doing a research paper for my senior geography class,when me and my friend Tonya stopped to check out the hotel- it has a cool bar that is open. The owner doesnt give tours anymore, but after I showed her my picture, she agreed to tour me in trade for a copy. It is an amazing hotel. If you look closely, there is a face on the right edge of the "figure" photo. Also, lots of shapes throughout the picture. I am a skeptic and would not believe this photo if I had not taken it myself. The owner was a very cool lady who said she has never experienced anything odd at the hotel but many patrons of the bar have. She also used to rent rooms out to people as residence. I really do not know what this's one of those pictures I like to look at when I start to doubt everything...I love my kids, family, my dogs, jack- my amazing cat.I love spaghetti, pizza, ribs, grilled steak.A steak would be great right now...I love thunderstorms, rain, puddles, watching raindrops roll together down the windshield, the smell of wet concrete.I love the ocean , lake, streams...water. But, alas, I live in the desert right now. I miss milwaukee- but haven't been there in 3 years.I love lilacs and sunflowers... and strawberry plants :)I love old photos, new photos, taking photos. I want to be a photographer when i grow up.I love to draw.I love to laugh. I love watch people singing in their car.I love the smell of grass, rolling down hills (what a rush standing up!)I love to cook, I hate to clean up when done.I think the meaning of life is to have as much fun as possible and to fully appreciate those you care about. You can't fully appreciate the good without the bad, but I wish there was more good and less bad. I'm afraid of someone else close to me dying.I hate to work, I love to play.I hate cleaning, esp the refrige and the dishes .I hate hangnails.I love rocks. I hate the sound of alarms in the morning. I hate goodbyes.I hate to plan. I love school and would be a professional student if I could.............Don't let tomorrow use up too much of today....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

THE WORLD!!!I would have loved to have met Kurt Vonnegut. He came to Albuquerque a few years back, but I didn't go..I was so sad that I didn't. He died not too long ago...regret... Here's a good quote..Kurt using the Beatles in a sentence... "I say in speeches that a plausible mission of artists is to make people appreciate being alive at least a little bit. I am then asked if I know of any artists who pulled that off. I reply, 'The Beatles did'." Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake, 1997Please refresh page if there is nothing showing above...

My Blog

Time to lighten up...

I'm excited that Fall is falling upon us!! For those of us who survived the summer season.. this is quite the reward. Cool breezes.. cloudy skies, and RAIN!!! How I do love the rain! The tapping of fa...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 12:50:00 GMT

Dreams aren’t always bad...

I've been dreaming a lot lately..and not just while I'm awake. I used to have nightmares almost nightly..then ,  I stopped dreaming.  Lately, I've felt like I've stopped dreaming literally a...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 23:27:00 GMT

Needles and Pins...

I got the thrill of acupuncture yesterday- for my headaches.. The pin doctor stuck about 8 needles in each ear...a couple in my feet..a couple in my head. It was quite interesting...I was trying to d...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 13:14:00 GMT

I have not much to say, but Im feeling okay...

I erased the stupid poem I wrote...Okay what rhymes with wrote??   OH and my son found a road turtle today... he saved him from possible death by squishing... that would've been gross..ew. s...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 21:57:00 GMT

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 11:31:00 GMT

Paxilback - Gray Kid parody of Justin Timberlake's Sexyback This video kicks butt...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 20:40:00 GMT

Newly found planets make case for 'crowded universe' n astronomers have found a trio of "super-Earths" closely circling a star that astronomers once figured had nothing orbiting it.
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 16:22:00 GMT

A warning to those in albuquerque...

I know where all the red light cameras are at intersections and always go the speed limit (through those intersections)... but did you know that there is a speed camera on the freeway in the "safety c...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 02:58:00 GMT

McDs still sucks!!!

I'm hopeful thinking.... I'm actually still ver.... never mind... doesnt matter. won't change anything. I really am hopeful for a new beginning.. new everything..  I'm hoping to get off my butt ...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:46:00 GMT

Kittens Hugs ARE Magical!!!

They just are..ever give a crying child a kitten?  You should try it!! Just keep some extras in your bag (kittens not children) never know..
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 01:21:00 GMT