MamaSita♥ profile picture


About Me

we commited the perfect cr!me: i stole your heart && you stole mine -♥
"Mama Named Sita, I love you Sita"
Welcome To My Reality
I am always && never the same.
Gl!tter is my favvvorite color.
[yess, its a color]
Fashion add!ct.
I smile. A lot.
Grimey people: peace out now.
Simple things make me happy.
Trust? Pfft. Earn it.
Play wii with me && I'll love you forever.
My friends mean the world to me.
Admitted: I have multiple personalities.
&& sorry, I bullshit. A LOT.
Boredom comes easily, lunchin kills boredom.
I'm a random ass lunchbox.
Organic. Veggie Eater. Animal Lover. Recycler. Go Green.
I believe we can start a revolution within ourselves.
Lil Wayne is the most entertaining rapper alive.
Thats my opinion, you're entitled to yours.
Rama, Nalini && Shanti mean EVERYTHING to me.
I have a gypsy heart with a gangstuhh twist.
You'll love me, I promise.
♥ [=
You'll never bring me down, I live life for me.
You know how to convince others of their worth and get them to do your bidding. You are a powerful manipulator and have great drive and determination. You have a strong need for success. You are good at reading the signs of the times and knowing when to act. You have a strong personality and are passionate about your beliefs. You rarely pretend to be something you are not and are always honest from the start. You sometimes tend to indulge in excess and obsessive compulsive disorder is not uncommon. You can be giving, sharing and affectionate but you do not hesitate to advise or judge. You have great instincts but can at times be smothering and insensitive. You like to take center stage in your loved ones lives and when left to do so life can be content, peaceful and even quiet with you. You need a solid, practical partner who can offer emotional stability and structure. Strengths: Enterprising – Persuasive – Observant Weaknesses: Excessive – Manipulative – Insecure .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

My Recent Thoughts, etc.

Once again I allow time to lapseAll I've built up collapseAnd looking back I wonderwhat made it all lastAt allWhy is it easier to fall?Give up and succumbNo pain, froze in numbDespairWondering who wou...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 14:45:00 GMT

Few Shall Understand

A girl growing up in a big, bad world Trying to find her way but lost in the hustle Spinning out admist a sea of glamour and glintz Coke and pimps Part of all that secretly excited her "Live each day ...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 23:57:00 GMT

A Modern Day Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, ~~~~~~~ in a land far away, ~~~~~~~~ a beautiful, independent, ~~~~~~~ self-assured princess ~~~~~~~~ happened upon a frog as she sat, ~~~~~~~~ contemplating ecological issues ~~~~~~...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 13:52:00 GMT

How To Excercise Your Legal Rights

Never leave anything in plain view: Although law enforcement officers must obtain a warrant before they can conduct a privacy-invading search, any illicit material that can be plainly seen by any pers...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 03:08:00 GMT

Traumatized, actually.

Yeah, here goes another high rant of mine. I just logged on and the home page comes up with all the the little headline stories. Mostly these stories suck, but sometimes there is a good one here and t...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 17:35:00 GMT

Some Real Shit

So I'm at my boys house.. getting blitzed.. meeting some new people.. when this hella animated dude starts talking. The thing is.. everything he was saying was disgustingly true. Basically, as he s...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 03:02:00 GMT

"Cunt: A Declaration of Independence"

Cunts are very important. Unfortunately, cunts are important to all the wrong people for all the wrong reasons. Cunts are not important to women because they are the very fount of our power, g...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Apr 2005 01:49:00 GMT