RIP MaNnY aka K.O.-My Husband.4ever in my heart profile picture

RIP MaNnY aka K.O.-My Husband.4ever in my heart

I am here for Friends

About Me

Well, where 2-start off there is no about me cuz there is no me. My love, my husband, my soulmate, my best friend, my king, my life & my everything has been taken 4rm me. I have been left empty inside. I am missing a part of me. We were not a couple we were one. Unbreakable & unseperable. Life has no meaning if he's not here w/me. Wherever he is i know he's looking down on me, protecting me & loving me unconditionally like he always did. He knows that he is & always will be my one & only true love. "TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES"... I know my place & i know no matter what i was, is & always will be his love, his wife, his soulmate & his everything. I was the #1 in his heart and life & no one cant take that place. My love we had the best 10 years ever. And if i had 2- choose my partner in another lifetime it will definitely be "YOU". Thank you 4- all the love you gave me, you're the best. Baby we will meet again soon. I LOVE YOU 4-ETERNITY!! 10-26-96 For Eternity. I will never 4-get you & you will always be in my heart & my thoughts."Your babe aka your LaDy K.O." Layout by: Myspace Layouts CreatorShayra & Manny Together Til Eternity- 10/26/96 For Eternity
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My Interests

imikimiMeEt My HuBbY, iSn'T hE cUtE! DoNt HaTe!

I'd like to meet:

I'm basically on here 2- stay in touch w/ old friends. I'm str8 w/ who i know.

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ShAyRa & MaNnY TiL EtErNiTy!! I love u more than my life itself my love & soon will be 2gether, that's a promise. You will 4ever be a part of me. I'm missing you like crazy... There's no meaning 2 life if ur not here w/ me but wherever you are i know you're watching over me. I know you are with me because i am the one who has your heart and you have taken mine. It doesn't matter how hard ppl try 2 change the fact, i was the world 2 u & u always will be my world. It was always just you & me babe and no1 can change that or come between what we had. I love you til eternity...


Hip Hop, Rap, Reggaeton, Spanish music. No hard rock or country music.


Me, FrAnCeS & jAnEt @ OpIuM 4- FrAnCeS BaChElOrEtTe PaRtY! ChEcK oUt mY sTrAw iN dA pIc, Ya'Ll KnOw U lIkE iT!!!


My favorite tv show is Law and Order. I also watch spanish novelas.These boxing gloves are a symbol of you. There will never be another fighter like you. You will be often imitated but never duplicated. The One & Only "kNoCkOuT" your legacy will live on til eternity. I will love you, miss you & have you in my heart til the day i die


Sorry, don't like reading much!


My 1 and only hero would have 2- be my "Father". He has done everything 4- me 2-have everything i've ever desired in life. U can say i have been a bit spoiled by both my mom and dad. Always get my way no matter what it takes. 1 LOVE 2- my Dad and Mom. Also my one & only true love Manny, my babe. He is my hero, my soulmate, my everything & my love. I love u baby til eternity see u soon.

My Blog

R.I.P. MY LOVE ~Always in my heart & thoughts

This was sent to me by my cousin Elizabeth. She said that she thought this is what Manny would like to tell me. It is so true he never liked to see me shed a tear nor hurt the way i'm hurting. Always ...
Posted by RIP MaNnY aka K.O.-My Husband.4ever in my heart on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:16:00 PST


It's funny how u continue mentioning how i may be all up in ur space, when u have always jumped up on my space. You continue insinuating our beef is b-cuz of Manny when apparently u have 4-gotten that...
Posted by RIP MaNnY aka K.O.-My Husband.4ever in my heart on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 02:33:00 PST