imikimiMeEt My HuBbY, iSn'T hE cUtE! DoNt HaTe!
I'm basically on here 2- stay in touch w/ old friends. I'm str8 w/ who i know.
Hip Hop, Rap, Reggaeton, Spanish music. No hard rock or country music.
Me, FrAnCeS & jAnEt @ OpIuM 4- FrAnCeS BaChElOrEtTe PaRtY! ChEcK oUt mY sTrAw iN dA pIc, Ya'Ll KnOw U lIkE iT!!!
My favorite tv show is Law and Order. I also watch spanish novelas.These boxing gloves are a symbol of you. There will never be another fighter like you. You will be often imitated but never duplicated. The One & Only "kNoCkOuT" your legacy will live on til eternity. I will love you, miss you & have you in my heart til the day i die
Sorry, don't like reading much!
My 1 and only hero would have 2- be my "Father". He has done everything 4- me 2-have everything i've ever desired in life. U can say i have been a bit spoiled by both my mom and dad. Always get my way no matter what it takes. 1 LOVE 2- my Dad and Mom. Also my one & only true love Manny, my babe. He is my hero, my soulmate, my everything & my love. I love u baby til eternity see u soon.