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D Money


About Me

Commercial Real Estate Agent with Ewing and Clark, Inc. Specialize in Retail, Office, Commercial Condo Sales, and Multifamily.A little guy with the heart of a lion. The guy in the rated R movie that you're not so sure about...I love to dance, snowboard, and blow smoke rings. I enjoy good conversation and laughing my ass off. I respect a quick wit backed up by facts and intelligence, tempered by patience and good listening skills. Can't stand anyone with no sense of humor, even a dry one... A Student of Life, I love learning new and exciting things everyday. Love to prove people wrong but don't mind being proved wrong. I listen twice as much as I talk, cuz "the Fool Chatters whilst the Wiseman Listens". Much more of a people person than a paper pusher. I love Vodka martini's, women in formal wear, water views, and red-and-gold sunsets. I love Mozart pretty much anytime of the day, but can rock out to Rage or PJ just the same. I love the sound of massive multi-level bass, Descending hooks, and minor keys. I was a warrior poet in a former life. What you see may not necessarily be what you get. I'm a smart-azz to ignorant people, cuz damn! think before you say shit! I had a 95lb Doberman Pincher named Chavez. I love listening to loud music, especially Hip Hop, D&B, Dancehall, Classical, Breaks, Dirty House and Dub, but I'm not opposed to listen to new stuffs. I try to earn respect rather than expect it, but only give it where it is deserved. I love with all my heart, and fully, fully believe that it is so much better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. I am fascinated by Shakespeare in all facets. I honor my word, my friends, and my family. I am as true to myself as I can be.
Duty and Loyalty: You serve your purpose and do
what you must do. People would consider you
someone to rely on, and one who keeps his/her
word when he/she gives it.
Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
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My Interests

Turning it up a notch. The art of Entertainment. Laughing and being laughed at. Meeting new people. Traveling to new places. Making people feel welcome. Social Rhetoric. The company of my friends and family. Dining, fine or otherwise. Going to new restaurants. Being Patient. Helping others achieve their dreams. Putting together new deals. Snowboarding. Bike Riding. Wake-boarding. Karaoke. Cooking. The Arts. Architecture. Museums. Ballet. Reading intriguing books, fiction or not. Giving of myself. Pampering the ones I love. Learning. Revelations. Success. Working out. Softball. Shooting hoops. All sports. Competition. Healthy debate. Anything to do with Theater or Movies. Music and silence. Being active. Coming home and putting on sweats. Eating good ass food. Cheering for the underdog. Proving doubters wrong. Walking my monster Chavez. Camping and hiking. Eating gooood food. Longboarding and beaching in the summer. Shots of Jager. Pitchers of Manny's. All Sports except Golf and Curling. My Family. Good conversations about everything. Making fun of myself. Did I mention eating really, really good food? Trying new things. Learning about new cultures. Getting to know great people...!

I'd like to meet:

You...! Pretty much anyone who can or can't hold a conversation... Time will tell... Business People. Goal Oriented fools. Someone with drive and who sells with passion. Someone deeper than skin deep. Herbal Extremists. Self-proclaimed prophets. Crazies and Freaks. Intellectuals and fools. B-boys and b-gurls, cuz, I remember when. Conductors and performers. Actors and players. Dancers and polespinners. Entrpenuers and visionaries. Film-makers and producers. Fun-lovers and just plain old lovers. Jessica Alba. Jennifer Love Hewitt. Natalie Imbruglia. Kate Beckinsale. Christopher Walken. Steve Carril. Snoop Dogg. Russell Simmons. Jenna Jamison. Jamie Foxx. Politically charged activists. Peeps I haven't seen in a lifetime or a few minutes.


John Legend. Ludacris. The Roots. Mos Def. Talib Kweli. Busta Rhymes. Slick Rick. Biz Markie. Too Short. Damian Marley. Matisyahu. Kanye West. Lupe Fiasco. Outcast. Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. Stevie Wonder. Wagner. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Ludwig Van Beethoven. Tchaikovsky. Smokey Robinson. Elvis. Al Green. Billy Joel. No Emo Shit. Hip Hop, R & B, Reggae, Dub, Dancehall, Salsa, Old Skool, Breaks, Good dirty House...


The Departed, Hustle & Flow, Top Secret, Three Amigos, Fight Club, Snatch, Fresh, Human Traffic ("NICE ONE BRUVAHH!!"), Amadeus, Beat Street, Resevoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Enter the Dragon, The Godfathers, Usual Suspects, Crying Freeman, The Pianist, The Mack, True Romance, Lord of the Rings, The Seven Samurai, The Ring, Night at the Roxbury, North Shore, The Matrix, Seabiscuit, The Last Samurai, Kill Bill Vol.s 1 & 2, All Bond films, The King of New York


Entourage, Nip Tuck, Sopranos, The Office, Futurama, Heroes, Lost, Band of Brothers, Scrubs, Arrested Development, The Iron Chef, Sportscenter, Building security, UW & Sonics Hoops


Godfather Returns, Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code. The Art of War, Dante's Inferno, The Talmud, The Koran, Bible, The Bard, Clancy, Crichton, Grisham, Tolkien, The Prince. I read a book a week.


Bruce Lee. Shaun White. Jeff Burton. Gary Payton. KRS One, Jay-Z. Russell Simmons. Quincy Jones. Peter Line, Bruce Lee, Frank Sinatra, Tony Montana, Ichiro, Busta Rhymes, Rakim, Jam Master Jay, Tupac, Too Short, Snoop, Kristopher Walken, Kevin Spacey, John Malkovic, Allen Iverson, Joe Pesci, Bobby DeNeiro, Dennis Hopper, Harvey Keitel, Lenny Kravitz, Hugh Hefner, Chris Rock, Quentin Tarantino, Edward Norton, Robert Rodriguez. My Parents.

My Blog

2008 update

Life is good. Ewing & Clark has been a fun ride. I am still doing deals Downtown, Belltown, Pioneer Square, Ballard, Capitol Hill, etc. You can still see my signs all over town. i have several dea...
Posted by D Money on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 11:43:00 PST


I haven't done one of these in years...Things have been great since Joining the ranks of Ewing and Clark. You very well may see my signs all over town on empty retail locations or buildings around to...
Posted by D Money on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 01:39:00 PST


So I'm officially in love...with the city that never sleeps.  I had a hard time finding sleep!  The energy of that town is so amazing, the people are incredible, and the architecture of the ...
Posted by D Money on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

American Choreographers

So last night I saw the PNB's performance of the American Choreographers. Amazing show. I know, you all think that going to the ballet is lame, but if you've ever tried anything that they're doing yo...
Posted by D Money on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Tahoe Pics

Posted by D Money on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


1.Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in on...
Posted by D Money on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

D&B in the late afternoon

So over Caffeine these days, so a lil Drum & Bass in the afternoon gets me going. Noting makes me feel like I have to get more shit done that some 'ardcore Bass bangin' down the walls! AK 1200, Aphro...
Posted by D Money on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Gotta Love Mozart in the Morning

On these blessedly bloody Gray days in December, when there's not enough snow on the mountains and the fog is so thick you can't see much more than a few feet in front of you, the humidity and cold ar...
Posted by D Money on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I'm alive...

So being sick for a wheek sucked, but I"m healthy again, which is good news for all my favorite bartenders in town, and bad news for my liver... Started out hard Sunday night with Help from Chuckle-m...
Posted by D Money on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

being sick suuuuucks

so I've been sick since sunday with no respite in site... Hopefully it won't last that long. Let me tell you, DON'T GET SICK! Health is soo taken for granted! I'll be out as soon as I can my peopl...
Posted by D Money on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST