Yeshua, Moses, Plato, John Lennon, JFK, RFK, MLK, Don Henley, Mel Gibson, Nikola Tesla, Alex Jones, Roy Masters,Leo Buscaglia among MANY others.Passage from Living, Loving,and Learning by Leo Buscaglia. "In some way however small and secret each of us is a little mad. Everyone is lonely at the bottom and cries to be understood. That is why no one can entirely understand anyone else and we all remain part stranger even to those who love us. It is the weak who are cruel. Gentleness is to be expected only of the strong. Those who do not know fear are not really brave for courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined. It is better to look at people no matter how old or impressive they may be as if they are children for most of us never truly mature. True maturity comes when we push our hearts and minds to the farthest reaches of which they are capable. THE PURPOSE OF LIFE IS TO MATTER TO COUNT TO STAND FOR SOMETHING TO HAVE IT MAKE SOME DIFFERENCE THAT WE LIVED AT ALL."