LeGeNdaRy oF $oUnD profile picture

LeGeNdaRy oF $oUnD

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

...::To achieve the good life, said Socrates, there is one paramount rule: Know Thyself. This is not an easy thing to do. Knowing oneself, deeply and fully, also means facing oneself, squarely and honestly. This means looking beyond and through the emotional costuming, the sham and the pretense in order to more clearly see ourselves as we actually are and not just the image of what we want to be. It means reconciling in a realistic way the discrepancies between our hopes and our accomplishments and making our peace with the differences that may exist between our ambitions and our talents. It means accepting in a deep and final way a simple psychological truth: The self is not something that we find but something that we create. Becoming an emotionally healthy and happy person, or a self-actualized, fully functioning individual is not something found by accident or coded in the genes. Rather, it is an emotional position built over time and constructed by blending reasonable, reachable goals with hard work, some sacrifices and a willingness to take some risks now and then. This, then, is the Self.::

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

sMe1 hu knOws how to paRTeEY!! sme1 hu definitely mkes sense.... sme1 hU lisTens..sme1 to taLk sme1 hu undErstaNds and lastly sme1 hus true tO his/herself and to others!(no prEtentiOns..just be TRUE)winK**~~~ "In the end, only three things matter --- how much you loved, ---how much you lived, ---and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you..."** ~tO mah FamiLy...maH gUrLz..maH freNdzz ~thNx sOOh mUch fOr all the LoVe n sUppOrT yOu'rE giVing Me..u'LL alwaYs be heRe in mAh heaRt.. no mTTer wT hppeNs! ****AlabsYu Ol..mUaHhuGzzzzz**!**** ~~m@n~~