sMe1 hu knOws how to paRTeEY!! sme1 hu definitely mkes sense.... sme1 hU lisTens..sme1 to taLk sme1 hu undErstaNds and lastly sme1 hus true tO his/herself and to others!(no prEtentiOns..just be TRUE)winK**~~~ "In the end, only three things matter --- how much you loved, ---how much you lived, ---and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you..."** ~tO mah FamiLy...maH gUrLz..maH freNdzz ~thNx sOOh mUch fOr all the LoVe n sUppOrT yOu'rE giVing Me..u'LL alwaYs be heRe in mAh heaRt.. no mTTer wT hppeNs! ****AlabsYu Ol..mUaHhuGzzzzz**!**** ~~m@n~~