Mass Fiction is fundamentally a pop band. You got a problem with that? You know who else was fundamentally a pop band? The Beatles. You know who else? Guns n' Fuggin Roses. We know what you're thinking, and yes, we are comparing Mass Fiction to those monoliths of the rock and roll canon; you bet your ass we are.
Mass Fiction is the flowering of a nearly decade-long musical collaboration between Greg Hoffman and Tim Wood. Greg and Tim started making music together when they were a mere 14 years of age and proceeded to play in a string of bands (such as Moxie, SubVerse, and Plastic Sheep) with modest success. An early-life decision to play music for a living occurred at a talent show where an audience of several hundred booed the judges for only giving them second place. However, it was only after Greg and Tim went off to college that their full sonic potential could come to fruition as they united with the rest of what would become their new band: Bryan Dahl, Jon Eccles, and Zach Rabinovich. With this lineup in place, Mass Fiction could finally hit their stride.
The thing about Mass Fiction is that a lot of these guys are classically trained. Does this mean that they could suddenly break out into a piece by Rachmaninoff or not have to contract out if they needed someone to play a cello part? Yeah, but more importantly, this gives them the compositional freedom and technical ability to take musical left-turns that would leave most bands gasping for air.
This is a band whose third gig found them opening for Girl Talk, easily the hottest DJ this side of the Atlantic. This is a band who understands that, if your primary goal is to make everyone listening sing and dance, you can fill your songs with all the complex musicality and thought-provoking lyricism you want—kind of like that famous En Vogue line in reverse…ass first, mind second. But, most importantly, this is a band for every person who thinks that, even though they may be loathe to admit it at times, there is no higher calling in this world than creating kick-ass pop-rock songs. Think about it: if for only one gin-soaked moment, you tipped your cup to the sky, singing along to a pop song like your life depended on it, and you thought to yourself, "This is what it's all about, man," then my friend, you're in luck: this is the band for you.
Mass Fiction is:
Greg "Kung Fu" Hoffman (Lead Piano/Lead Vox)
Tim "The Cute One" Wood (Lead Guitar/Vox/Cello)
Bryan "Dublah" Dahl (Synth/Rhythm Piano/Vox)
Jonathan "The Confusion" Eccles (Bass/Rhythm Guitar/Vox)
Zach "The Rabbi" Rabinovich (Drums/Percussion)
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Thanks for listening, and we hope you enjoy our music. We are Mass Fiction.
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