I'd like to meet:
WELCOME to the official Dallas street team for the singing/rapping duo, MYXX. Myxx consists of two sisters Evonne (19) and Elizabeth (17) Hunnicutt from Atlanta, GA. They're an unsigned, up and coming group looking to make it big! With already having family in the music biz (their cousins in the group B5 signed with Bad Boy Entertainment), these girls are destined to be in the lime light too.MYXX is currently under exclusive management by Jim McMahan, CEO of Jamm Entertainment group. Be sure to check out the other Jamm Artists: B5, Ashley Phillips, and Cisum Golden. You can find them on Jamm's Official Website! A link to the right can be found near the bottom left of the page.
THE Street team was formed by Marisa Lander, a loyal Myxx fan in the Dallas area. The goal of the street team is to help promote Myxx online as well as offline and to focus on promoting locally in the Dallas Metro Area. We'll work hard to update you with the latest info!NOT only do we focus on promoting, but we try to have fun with it too! The Street Team will have online chat meetings to help get to know everyone and to have check ups on our promoting. We also try to have contests to win Myxx and Jamm Entertainment related prizes. You must be a street team member to participaite and win!
MORE info on joining the street team will be coming soon! Check checking back and watch for our bulletins for updates!
Check out below and demand to get Myxx in the Dallas area! The more people who demand, the more likely they can get a show here!
write 27 "sorrys" and 29 "baby come backs"....
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This page is NOT Myxx's Official myspace page. This is a page made up for Myxx fans in the Dallas area working to promote them. Any messages or comments will not reach Elizabeth, Evonne, Jamm Entertainment, or any other people/organizations affiliated with the girls.OFFICIAL LINKS
Myxx OnlineMyxx Universe
Jamm Entertainment Group
EVERYTHING written on this page is the original writings of the Myxx Dallas Street Team. It is asked that you not steal from the site. If you do take anything, please give us credit.MUSIC PLAYER