Windy profile picture


Kickin' ass in '07.

About Me

Windy is my real name. No, my parent's weren't hippies, but how cool would it have been if they were? I've been happily married for 10 years. We have 2 awesome daughters ages 5 & 3 that make me very happy, and can also make me want to pull my hair out somedays. I'm a graphic designer. I got sick of making money for other people, so I started my own business - Amplify Design Studio. I sell design and printing now. A bit of a challenge for an introvert. I think I'm up for it though. I love music and art. I'm lucky. I think George W is a horrible president. How did this country fuck up so bad - twice?

My Interests

I love: Spending time with my 3 favorite heads - Rob, Maisy and Ella, music, live music, painting, reading, daydreaming, crafty crap, decorating, garbage picking, garage sailing, flea markets, finding cool junk, comfy jeans, white t-shirts on men, vans shoes, crocheting, walks, yankee candles, gardens, the smell of dirt, playing with my daughters' hair, avacados, dried cherries, artichokes, the smell of fresh laundry, opening the windows, sitting on my deck, my dog, my cat...

I'd like to meet:

Beautiful people.


I just love good music, good lyrics, esp. anything with a funky ass bass line. It's probably easier to say what I don't like - bling bling, no talent figure heads posing as musicians, that type of thing. Other than that, I'll give it a listen.Some of my favorites: Jane's Addiction, Flaming Lips, Beastie Boys, G-Love, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Cat Stevens, Social D, Alkaline Trio, U2, Sinead O'Connor, Tribe Called Quest, Old school rap, Rolling Stones.....I do have to proclaim my love for Perry Ferrell. That man has a beautiful mind. I'd listen to him make noise till the end of time.


East of Eden, The Secret Life of Bees, Barbara Kingsolver books, The Four Agreements. Books are good for your soul. Everyone should read.


Anyone doing exactly what they want to be doing.

My Blog


I was going to write something else until I noticed the date. It's the anniversary of my Grandmother's death. I wish I had the chance to spend more time with her. Just the vision of her makes me smile...
Posted by Windy on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 07:52:00 PST


If only I could freeze time. Just for a little while. All is well and I am so thankful. The chaos that has been my life in the past few years has subsided. I am finding I have time to literally stop a...
Posted by Windy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST