Born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and still live there to this day with my 2 Cairn Terrier Dogs.(Skipper and Hannah) My 2 passions in life have become working with wildlife at the Wildlife Rehab center that I volunteer at ( playing the Native American Flute. Volunteering at AIWC has brought me in close proximity to many raptors, songbirds,and mammals. This has brought about a deep appreciation for various environmental issues that confront our world today. As well, playing the Native American Flute (though I am of Irish /Scottish Ancestry) helps me to express myself in ways I had never before fathomed. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds
Charles Littleleaf on the Native American Flute
One of My favourite Native American Flute player and maker as well!!!