MAB DONNKI// dj y productor Colombiano, luego de una larga temporada de inactividad, reotrna con una produccion cargada de sonidos minimalistas sin dejar a un lado la caracteristica influencia del clash y el movimiento 80ro
Su set va desde el electro rock, pasando por el electro clash y electro pop, para rematar con sonidos mas furtes y progresivos (progresive electro,minimal techno).A participado en eventos como el HOUSE MUSIC FESTIVAL que se realizo en FORUM CLUB de cali en 2002 / el AFRODIGITAL donde toco al lado de dj reconocidos como Dj Leo, Moras, Killa, Tanke entre otros / participo en el OPENING HOUSE 2003 donde compartio set con Dj como, Micha, N-sound, entre otros / Hizo parte del colectivo DOMINO como Dj y en los samples, participaron en el ELECTRO-END que se realizo en MUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO LA TERTULIA donde compartio set con, La maga y Tanke / Hizo parte de la convocatoria de Djs patrocinada por PHANTHOM (bebida energetica) / recientemente fue residente del ELECTROSHOW FESTIVAL que se realizo en FORUM CLUB.++ al lado de Julian Giraldo, Juanpablo varela, Kitty sessions,D:A:S:H, Maya, electroboy entre otros. actualmente MAB DONNK es RESIDENTE junto con MAR del club mas importante de la ciudad de Cali (Colombia) FORUM CLUB. actualmente trabaja en duo con MICHA, con quien hace un tandem mix, que se caracteriza por la energia y la actitu de sus presentaciones.
MAB DONNKI DJ and producer Colombian, after a long period of inactivity, reotrna with a production full of sounds without minimalist set aside the influence of the feature clash and the movement 80roHis September ranges from electro rock through electro clash and electro pop, to finish with more strong and progressive sounds (progresive, minimal techno). TO participated in events like HOUSE MUSIC FESTIVAL to be held in Cali, CLUB FORUM in 2002 / AFRODIGITAL where I play alongside dj recognized as DJ Leo, Moras, Killa, Tanke among others participated in the 2003 OPENING HOUSE where shared set with DJ as Micha, N-sound, among others made part of the collective DOMINO as Dj and in the samples, participated in the ELECTRO-END which was conducted MUSEUM OF MODERN ART LA TERTULIA where shared set with, and the maga Tanke / He made the call for Djs sponsored PHANTHOM (Energy Drink) / recently was a resident of the ELECTROSHOW FESTIVAL to be held in FORUM CLUB. + + alongside Julian Giraldo, Juanpablo varela, Kitty sessions, D: A: S: H, Maya electroboy among others. MAB is currently DONNK RESIDENT along with SEA most important club in the city of Cali (Colombia) CLUB FORUM. Currently working in duet with MICHA, with whom he makes a tandem mix, which is characterized by the energy and attitude of their presentations.
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