My interests are shopping, shopping, and yeah shopping!!!!!!!
You scored as Mya, Woohu!! Youre a Mya!! You believe that happiness doesnt have to come at a cost. You always try your hardest at everything you do and you would even risk your life to make your family happy. You go girl!!
I like Rap and R&B. But Jeezy is the best thang going!!!!!!!
I love to read and my favorite books are by Triple Crown Publications!!!
My heroes in life are my grandmother (R.I.P)You are truly missed but never forgotten. And my dearly beloved mother. Man I love her so much. She is like my other half and is a very strong and hardworking person without her I don't know where or what I would be. Keep it up. I Love U! And last but not least I can't forget my father, he is a great listener and always there when I need him most. He think he young, but we can work on that. Love U Pops!!!